Chapter 37

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ALLISON POV: "Stop... Please...No!" I scream as I feel a searing pain. He kicks my side time after time as tears roll down my cheeks. I hear a faint voice in my head. It sounds like dad.

"Baby, wake up. Alli! Honey wake up." I hear him say. Just when I turn my head, he grabs me and begins to touch me. I thrust around, trying to free his grip, but it doesn't work. 

"Stop! Get away from me please!" I scream in tears. He just laughs, and grabs me even harder. 

"Help! Help me! Somebody please help me!" I scream, as he covers my mouth and holds a knife to my throat. His alcohol filled breath flows right into my nose, as I try to flail out of his grasp. 

"Alli!" Dad gives me a final shake, and awakens me from the nightmare. I'm shaking and in tears. I grab on to him, and hold on as tight as I can. 

"Honey, that's the 5th one this week. You sure you don't want to go talk to the doctor again?" He says rubbing my back.

"Dad, don't you think that I should've grown out of this by now? I mean that was 10 years ago... I'm 16. That's what all the doctors said. And that's what they're going to say again." I say, laying back down, stretching my arms out to each side. Dad looks at me, exacerbated. He sighs.

"I don't know what to do, honey. I just hate that you have to go through this. You don't deserve this. Nobody does. You know that you're safe now. Alright?" He says, massaging his jaw while grabbing my hand.


"Now you try to get some sleep, okay? If you need me, you know I'm right next door. Goodnight baby." He says kissing my forehead. 

"Night, Dad." 

The next morning is insane. I have exams today, so I'm trying to pile in last minute studying. Dad is running around the house trying to find his dress clothes for this meeting he has today at the label. He's standing in the mirror in the dining room trying to tie his tie. You would've thought with being by himself for 16 years, he would learn by himself. I guess today must be something really important. I look at the clock in the kitchen.

"Dad, we need to go like now!" I yell for him, still looking down at my flashcards. 

"Shit. Okay, Alli, can you tie my tie?" He says grabbing his keys and bag. I nod, and quickly tie his tie, then we are out the door. Dad drops me off in front of the school, right on time due to a little speeding.

"Love you sweetheart! Have a good day!" He says. 

"Love you too!" I say running inside quickly. He smiles and drives away.

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