Chapter 20

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TIM POV: I looked at Carrie from across the table, how did I get this lucky? People used to always tell me that you can't find true love more than once, but I did. And I'm so lucky that I did.

If I didn't find Carrie when I did, I would probably be dead.

She's five months pregnant. We've decided not to tell the girls yet, because we fear that she'll miscarry late again. This time feels different though. It feels like it's meant to be this time.

The baby is a girl. We found out yesterday and I couldn't be more happy. She can't wipe the smile off her face either.

"Hey babe?" She yells up the stairs, not realizing that I'm right behind her.

"What?" I say, causing her to jump.

"You scared me! A messenger just brought this over for you. I think you should do it."

"What is it?"

"Why don't you see?" She says smiling at me, while holding out the invite.

It's an invite to perform at a tribute for CMA tribute for Faith. Carrie has one too.

"I don't think that's a good idea..."

"You haven't performed in 5 years! I feel like this is the right time to start again. I'm going to do it." She says, coming in for a kiss.

"If you don't remember, last time I performed 73 people died, including my wife. They bombed a benefit, what makes you think they wouldn't bomb a tribute concert?" I say, thinking back to that night. 4 years of hardcore therapy, and it still haunts me.

"It's at the LP stadium. They have bomb dogs and squads that come in to ensure it's safe. Tim, please." She begs

"I'll think about it." No, actually, I won't. My minds set. I don't feel the need to perform anymore. Not after what I've seen.

"No you won't. Tim please. Do this for Faith."

"Faith would hate this! She always thought that was like the official 'your career is over' send off." I say, laughing. She and I used to always make that joke.

"Tim. Please? It's more like a memorial! Not a career ender." Carrie says.

"I'll think about... as I said before." She gives me a look that says it all. She knows I'm full of it.

"Tim, you're really talented and I think it's wrong that you're not sharing it with the word!"

"I shared it with the world for 22 years. They can go buy a cd! Or look on YouTube for one of my concerts. I'm not going on stage again."

Just When I Needed You Most (Sequel to Forever & Always)Where stories live. Discover now