Chapter 3

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TIM POV: I put on a black dress shirt along with my suit pants. I look at ties, but why bother. Not like I'm trying to impress anyone. I hear the television from my door way. 

"73 people dead after a benefit concert gone wrong. Country superstar Faith McGraw is being laid to rest at a private ceremony for family and friends today. The rest of the victims have services scheduled throughout the week. The event began without a hitch, but during the song, a bomb was denated under the stage, and shortly after, two more were found under seats by the stage. A gunmen then came in and shot the wounded survivors, Including McGraw, before he shot himself behind the arena. 16 of those killed were first responders." The television screams.

I stumble down the stairs, getting ready to scream at the girls for watch it.

"What do you guys think you're-" I stop. Betty's sitting in the living room alone.

"Samuel Timothy McGraw, please tell me that the stench eminating from you is not from alcohol." She says looking at me with disgust.

"I don't know what to tell you Ma, I'm a trainwreck." I say as I take a swig of the whiskey in my hands. 

"So you're going to show up to you late wife's funeral drunk off your ass?" She says trying to take the bottle away from me, but I keep my grip till she lets go.  

"What is this about you yelling at Audrey this morning? Do you understand how hard this all is for her?" She says. I try to tune her out. "She already blames herself for all this, it doesn't help that she watched it all happen too. You need to sober up and talk to them. Then we can leave. And you sure as hell aren't driving either." She says reaching for the bottle again, but this time catching me by surprise. She smashes it in the sink and walks away.

Just When I Needed You Most (Sequel to Forever & Always)Where stories live. Discover now