Chapter 47

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TIM POV: I've been home for about 4 weeks. I'm supposed to be on bed rest, but if anyone knows me, they know I don't listen. I've been writing while Alli is at school. I've been writing songs, letters, poems, stories, everything. That's the one thing I know how to do fairly well. I want Alli to have something to remember me by after I'm gone. When she's home, we spend the entire time together. I want to make sure she has good memories of me.

 I get a melody stuck in my head, and begin to write it down on the back of an old recipt in the kitchen so I don't forget. Just then, Alli comes in from school.

'Hey dad. What you up to?" She says, dropping her stuff down on the stairs. 

"Just writing down something. How 'bout you?" I say, looking up breifly from the recipt.

"I just have to ask you something. You know, this guy I really like asked me on a date forever ago, but I had to call it off because you were in the hospital. But, now he wants to go out again. So I was wondering if Friday I could go with him to this party-get together like thing... I mean if you don't want me to go then-"

"You should go." I say, writing the song down quickly. You can't read the majority of the writing, but I can see the keywords clear enough to guess what everything else says. "On one condition. He has to meet me when he picks you up, alright? I want to make sure you're not settling for some douchebag." I say. I see Alli's smile from the corner of my eye as she agree's and takes off upstairs. I smile at how happy she is. She's a good enough kid that I can trust her with all the high school parties, and everything that comes with them. 

Just When I Needed You Most (Sequel to Forever & Always)Where stories live. Discover now