Chapter 24

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TIM POV: "How you holding up since we last talked?" Wilson says.

"Pretty good I guess..." I say, waiting for him to see through it.

"Okay, what's wrong?"

"I just have that feeling something is going to go wrong again. I can't lose her or the girls. I can't go through that again." I say leaning forward and putting my head in my hands. 

"Do you think it's just nerves?" 

"No. I know it's not nerves. Something is wrong. I don't know if I should do this or not."

"Tim, they have the police here, they've scanned for bombs three times, the security out front matches the security at the Capitol. I can almost gurantee nothing is going to happen at this concert." He says reassuringly. "Do you think it's because you miss her?"

"I don't think I let myself think about her. Right after she died, I met Carrie and then things started between me and her. I didn't really give myself enough time to come to terms." I say rubbing my jaw. 

"5 minutes sir." A crew guy comes in and says. I begin to panic. 

"Alright, thanks." Wilson says then looks back down at me. "You okay?" I begin to have a full on panic attack, as flashbacks flood my memory. The flashbacks of which I have worked so hard to supress. I grab the chair's arms, while rocking back and forth. I shut my eyes and try to tell myself that everything is okay, but it doesn't work. I feel sick.

I run to the bathroom and puke. Wilson comes in to make sure I'm okay. 

"Hey, you want to talk-"

"No, I don't Wilson. I really just need some time alone. This is a lot for me to take all at once."

"Tim, don't isolate yourself. You can talk to me."

"I don't hear her voice anymore. I forget what she sounds like... I know I sound crazy, but I used to hear her tell me things were going to be okay. It was like she was still here." I say, letting out a few tears. "I think if I hear her voice tonight, I won't be able to take it." 

"Alright. If you really don't want to do this, then you don't have to. Tim, just don't let her being gone keep you from doing things. She might be dead, but you aren't." Wilson says as he starts to walk out of the room.

"I'll do it." I say. Wilson turns around and smiles. 

"I figured you would."

Just When I Needed You Most (Sequel to Forever & Always)Where stories live. Discover now