Chapter 7

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FAITH POV: They gave me a choice. I could let him see me, or I could not let him see me. I chose to not let him see me for the moment. He needed time to mourn and move on. Apparently, the longer I hang around, I can learn how to control things more, including when I come and go. 

Where ever Tim went in his coma, it wasn't here. Here, we just watch what we left behind. For some people it's great, seeing their kids grow up and their spouses fall in love again. For others, it sucks.

Tim's been drinking again. I was going to let him see me then, but Audrey had came in the room and it just wasn't the right time. I hope I can learn how to let my kids see me too. Audrey's having a hard time with this. I didn't know she saw everything. I wish I could just hold her and tell her everything is okay. 

Right now, Tim just started crying over my grave. It's weird looking at the casket and knowing I'm inside of it, but I don't really mind it that much. Other's have gone crazy seeing the casket...

 I'm officially in the ground, and everyone has left except for Tim and Audrey. Tim goes to hug her, but she pushes him away. Tim runs after her, as she runs crying to Betty. This isn't what I'd hope I'd see.

"Audrey!" Tim yells, but she's already in Betty's arms. Tim looks back at the grave, they're filling in the dirt. He looses it, and runs into the woods. 

"Tim!" I yell, but it wasn't enough for him to hear me. I run after him until I find him on the ground, wailing and yelling at the top of his lungs. He pulls out a flask.

Before he drinks, he yells, "Come back please Faith! I can't do this! Tell me this is all a dream".

"I'm here Tim" I say quickly. He hears me and looks back in shock. He's about to scream, before I cut him off.

"Shhhhhh.... calm down alright?" I say as I brush back his hair. He sits on a down tree. 

"But you were... in the..." He tries to piece everything together in his head.

"Honey, this is my spirit. It's crazy I know. When you were in a coma, you went somewhere completely different. Here we just watch what we left behind. Not nearly as good in some aspects, but I can see the girls grow up. That's all I could ever ask for right now." I say, smiling at him and hoping he calms down. He just looks at me, then reaches a hand out so brush my hair behind my ear. 

"You're warm." He said, placing his hand on the side of my head.

"Yeah, I guess I am." I smile and sit down next to him. "Tim, right now you're the only one who can see me. Eventually, if I work hard enough, the girls should be able to see me too." I say. 

"So, if I'm in public, I should not talk to you?" He asks.

"Yes. They'll think you're insane. And this little outburst doesn't help either. Tim, I've watched you every second since I went. I know you're drinking again." I say, hoping he'll realize that it was wrong.

"I just don't know what else to do. I don't know how to do this, Faith." He says looking down at his hands. 

"That's what I'm here to do. I'm here to help you transition to some sort of normalcy. But you need to quit drinking immediately. The girls have already picked up on it, and they need you to be there. And Tim, don't talk to me unless I start talking first, or if you need to talk desperately okay? I don't want to make it harder for you to move on. That's not what I'm here to do." I say. He nods and we walk back through the woods, as it gets dark and begins to rain.

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