Chapter 8

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TIM POV: "McGraw Meltdown? The Country music megastar disappeared from his late wife, Country Megastar Faith McGraw's funeral late Sunday afternoon for five hours! His family had called the police, until they received a call from a local gas station..." I switch off the TV and go back to reading the paper. I look at the pantry knowing there's a full bottle of whiskey in there. I tell myself to forget it as I head upstairs to get a shower. 

I turn on the shower, then turn around and stare at myself in the mirror. I'm quite a sad excuse for a man, aren't I? I haven't shaved in two weeks, and my kids don't want to stay with me anymore. Audrey asked Betty if she could stay at her house, and then Betty decided to take all of the girls to her house, because of my "Meltdown". I start thinking about that whiskey again.

A half bottle later, I'm staggering through my bedroom trying to find clothes. I hop in the car and drive. I don't know where to go, but Faith hasn't stopped me yet. Is this just me needing to feel defiant? I speed down the streets of Nashville, running a few red lights on the way. I find a honkytonk and head right in.

"I'll have anything strong." I say to the bartender. He pours me a whiskey and I turn around and watch the performer on the small stage. I remember back when I was at that point in my career. Living on tips from a tip jar. That was a long time ago. The girl is pretty good. Not nearly as good as Faith. I need to stop thinking about Faith. She's dead... 

The girl finishes her set, as an all male band goes on. They aren't even close to good. The girl walks down to the bar and takes a seat next to me. She looks like a Pop-Country barbie, when she orders two straight whiskeys.

"Thanks Mike." She says to the bartender

"No problem Carrie." He says smiling at her, then he returns to other drunks. 

"You're really good." I tell her. She looks over as she shoots the entire glass of whiskey. I don't think I could even do that. She squints her eyes as she swallows

"Why, thank you. I hear you're pretty good too." She says turning around to face the stage and grabbing her other whiskey.

"And how would you know that?" I ask laughing at her.

" Well I haven't been living under a rock for the last 25 years, Mr Country King." She said laughing. "You're like the hitmaker of the century!" She adds. "I'm sorry about your wife, by the way. I know the entire world is probably sending you condolences." She says.

"It's alright, our relationship kind of sucked anyways." I say, even though it's a complete lie. "But back to you. You have a record deal yet?" 

"Nope!" I don't even have a demo yet. I just play to play, you know?"

"Why not play for millions of dollars?" I say trying to persuade her.

"Because. The music business is supposed to be pretty malevolent. What did you make last year? Like 30 Million?" She asks laughing

She begins to drink as I answer, "Actually, $37 Million. Didn't even tour that year." She spits out her drink back into her glass. I grab her napkins as she is laughing. 

"I was joking! You really make that much? That's insane!" She says wiping up the whiskey that missed the glass.

"So, you don't even have a demo? That's kind of... not a good idea when you're performing." I said.

"How so?" She says smirking. 

"Okay, say a label head comes in to the bar, and wants to hear more. Then what do you have?" I say. 

"Well I just don't have the money for it right now." She says, looking a little more serious. 

"Well I do." I say. "What do you say we ditch this place and head back to my house. I'll show you the studio and maybe we could record something." I say.

"Sounds good to me." She smiles.

"I'm Tim by the way."

"I'm Carrie, by the way." She smiles.

Just When I Needed You Most (Sequel to Forever & Always)Where stories live. Discover now