Chapter 26

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FAITH POV: "This is for you baby." Tim says, fighting tears. I smile, as he begins to sing.

"Let's just cut it down the middle. Let it bleed, and bleed out. I'll clean up the mess, baby, you stand there and shout. Cry, cry. Baby, I can't hold us together. Paint me in a corner, cover me with rage. I'll take it like a circus lion, silent in my cage. Cry, cry. Baby, I can't change the weather." Tim sings. He wipes his tears in between the verse and the chorus. The song is beautiful, and brings tears to my eyes.

"Baby, I'll let go, when you say so... Try to let your heart fly free. I'll crawl out of my cradle, down in to my black hole. You just lay low, under your halo." I'm crying, sitting on the side of the stage. I'm so close, that if I wanted to, I could touch him. I feel the urge the just feel his warmth. I want to hear his heartbeat. I want him to tell me he loves me again. I miss him so much...

"I'll slip into the back room, fall onto your cast. Almost out of focus, like a faded photograph. Cry, cry. Baby, I'm all out of answers. Baby, I'll let go, when you say so... Try to let your heart fly free. I'll crawl out of my cradle, down in to my black hole and you just lay low under your halo." He sings. My eyes burn as I curl my knees up. It's so lonely here. It's torturing me how close I am to them. I know that if I start appearing again, it's going to screw everything up with them. Just then, I get a wave of something.

Carrie. Something is going to go wrong with Carrie. I feel it... It's not a good feeling either... I hope they don't lose the baby. 

Tim heads off the stage, and into his dressing room to recuperate. Should I tell him now? He looks at himself in the mirror, then turns and leaves. I guess not. I'm starting to feel sick. We must be getting close to Carrie.

"Hey babe! That was amazing!" She said giving him a kiss. He wraps his arms around her.

"I love you." He says.

"I love you too. You about ready to go?" She says. 

"Yeah, I'll go get the car."

They're in the car heading home, when it hits me really hard. Car wreck. I need to say something now. But right as I open my mouth, a car hits them from behind, and throws them into a busy intersection. At least four cars hit them, each coming from a seperate direction. The car flips a few times and then comes to rest upside down. I see gasoline leak from the fuel tank as the something under the hood begins to smoke. They're both knocked out cold. 

Tim has a giant gash in his forehead, and is making noises. He looks like he's a lot less injured then Carrie. Carrie's head is completely cracked open, revealing her flesh in most places. She's bleeding much more than Tim. Everyone gets out of their cars, and watches them,  but nobody comes to help. I kick out the windows, trying to make it easier for either one of them to escape, but neither of them are waking up.

Then, the smoke from the hood of the car, turns to flames.

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