Chapter 12

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TIM POV: How did Jack even get our mailing address?  He's on death row right now, with major brain trauma. Who would let him even send a letter? 

I immediately open it after questioning how it got here.

Payback's a bitch, right Tim? As I'm sitting here in solitary, I thought of you, and how happy you must be at your new found freedom. It's too damn bad that you weren't the one out on the side of the stage with her. Forever and always, right? Hell, you used and abused her worse than I ever could. She might have taken the easy way out, but I will make sure that you and those girls suffer enough to make up for that deficit. I have people out there Tim. You never know when one of your girls can be taken from school, or shot walking through town. You know what I can do, so don't make me do it. Even after I'm gone, you're still not safe Tim. I will ruin you.


Chills are sent up my spine as I read the letter. I feel sick and numb. What the hell have I been doing? I've been throwing a tantrum about Faith, when she told me herself that I need to be with the girls. Without me there, they're going to get hurt. I need to grow up, and fix this, so I can protect my kids. Because they're all I have left. 

I open the letter from Faith. Carrie's talking but I'm completely zoned out.

Hey babe. If you're reading this, I'm gone. I gave this to Betty to either mail, or give to you. I'm so sorry that I have left you in this world alone. If anyone deserves love and care, it's you. You've been so good to me from the start. Thank you for giving me my beautiful girls, and more love than I could ever dream of. You're a good man, Tim. Don't cry over me. I'm not worth your tears. Hold the girls close, and always remind them how much I love them everyday for me. I'm sitting here in the hospital room, so happy that you came out of your coma, thinking about how that could've easily had been me or one of the girls in the hospital bed. But you protected me and the girls, because that's one thing you can do without thinking. You know how to take care of them, and you don't care about the cost... As long as you can hold your baby one more day. That is one of the many reasons why I love you. You took three bullets for our daughters, and you held on for me. I can't begin to tell you how thankful I am to have had someone so incredible in my life. You filled my days with joy, and my heart with love. I'm so happy that I have had the privilege to fall in love with a man like you. 

Now comes the more serious part. Tim, please move on. I'm writing this knowing that if I don't go soon, that I'll write a new letter. You still have a long life ahead of you, so please don't hold all that love in your heart. Hell, hook up at my funeral. Just make sure whoever She is, she's good for you, and the girls of course, but I don't want you to marry some overly peppy girl who wears polka dots and pink pants, just because the girls like her. Trust me, the girls are easily swayed. If they don't like whoever you bring home, give them time. I'm sure they'll fall in love with her. Also, please take care of the girls. They are my world and I know you love them too. Do not let them shut you out, because once that door is shut, it's hard to wedge it back open. They will need a shoulder to cry on more than anything, especially Audrey. She's always been more sensitive about losing people than Maggie and Gracie. I just need you to be there for them, Tim. I can't stress that enough. I'm not saying that you're a horrible father or anything, because you are the best father to those girls, but I know how you shut people off after you lose someone you love. 

Do NOT Drink Tim! I also know that you're quick to go back to bad habits. The girls pick up on that really quickly, and it scares them. I'd rather you eat a whole cheese cake than have a single sip of whiskey. Now that you don't have me to whip your ass when you screw up, I'm trusting that you will have better judgment than you have previously. Also, I want Gracie to get my engagement ring, Maggie to get my wedding ring, and Audrey to get the ring you gave me on our 17th anniversary. I trust you more than anyone else to take care of those girls. That's saying a lot. A single broken bone on your watch, and I will haunt you! I'm joking, but really take care of them. They are my everything. You are my everything.

There's another sheet of paper in here. It's a song I wrote a couple weeks ago while I was waiting for you to wake up. I hope you like it. <3

Forever and Always,


Look in the envelope, and sure enough there's another paper in there. 

I'm gonna wear you down. I'm gonna make you see. I'm gonna get to you, You're gonna give in to me. I'm gonna start a fire, You're gonna feel the heat. I'm gonna burn for you, You're gonna melt for me. Come on, come on. Into my arms. Come on, come on. Give in to me.

You're gonna take my hand, Whisper the sweetest words. And if you're ever sad, I'll make you laugh, I'll chase the hurt. My heart is set on you, I don't want no one else. And if you don't want me, I guess I'll be all by myself. Come on, come on. Into my arms. Come on, come on, Give in to me.

I'll use my eyes to draw you in, Until I'm under your skin. I'll use my lips, I'll use my arms. Come on, come on, Give in to me.

Tears begin to fall from my eyes.

Just When I Needed You Most (Sequel to Forever & Always)Where stories live. Discover now