Chapter 9

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FAITH POV: Tim left, drunk off his ass, to go to a bar. I let him go. If he wants to kill himself, then I'll let him do it. 

I'm sitting alone in the dark living room, when I hear Tim stagger in. There's a girl with him. She looks really nice, but also drunk off her ass. They're laughing, as they head to the studio.

Ten minutes later, I hear Tim strumming his guitar and their laughter. I walk over and stand in the doorway to watch. He appears to be happy, when he pulls out a song book from his desk in the studio.

"Here's some songs. You can record some, if you want." He says trying not to read the songs he either wrote with me, or about me.

"I love this one!" She says flipping to the page. I lean over her shoulder to see what song she picked. 

I Just Can't Live A Lie, he would never let her cut that song. That was his "Baby" when we were arguing a few years back.

"Alright! You want to run through it one time, before we record it?" He asks, still smiling. I'm amazed.

"Yeah sure." She says as he begins to play the song. 

"Lately nothing I do ever seems to please you, And Maybe turning my back would be that much easier. Cause hurtful words are all that we exchange. But I can't watch you walk away."  She sings. She's incredible.

"Can I forget about the way it feels to touch you? And all about the good times that we've been through? Could I wake up without you every day? Would I let you walk away? No, I can't learn to live without and I can't give up on us now." She continues to sing, before the chorus.

"Oh, I know I could say we're through And tell myself I'm over you. But even if I made a vow I promise not to miss you now and try to hide the truth inside. I'd fail cause I, I just can't live a lie." She sings. My jaw is literally on the floor.

They smile at eachother, and Tim gives her the look. I mean THE look. I'm almost certain she doesn't feel the same. My god, if Tim does something stupid...

He kisses her, and she kisses back. Things become heated between the two. He takes off her shirt, and she doesn't object. I have a gut feeling something has to go wrong. Just then, it does.

Tim reaches behind her to unhook her bra, as he kisses her neck, when she objects. 

"Woah, I don't think I'm ready for that yet." She told him, trying to play it off. He doesn't stop.

Tim. Stop, please. Before you hurt her. I say to myself. If I tell him, he'll just do it in spite anyways. He starts unbuttoning her pants. 

"Tim, I'm serious. I'm not ready for that yet." She says backing away a bit, but he pulls her back in. I close my eyes and think of what I could do. 

I need to do something now. Think, Faith think. I grab a beer bottle from the kitchen and shatter the window in the hallway next to the studio. He stops before things got too far. Carrie puts on her shirt and walks out behind Tim to see what happened. I had slipped a note in the bottle for Tim, he picks it up.

Stop, before you do something you regret. 

Just When I Needed You Most (Sequel to Forever & Always)Where stories live. Discover now