Chapter 42

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CLAIRE POV: It's so hard to see Alli or Tim like that. I sit down on a chair outside of the room. I sigh, allowing myself to lean my head back against the wall, closing my eyes for a moment. Tim seems like he's going to be alright. He's tough.

Just then, I heart Tim's heart rate monitor go flat. I hear Alli scream. Then a flood of doctors and nurses run into the room as I follow. Alli is standing beside the bed screaming while the doctors pull out the paddles. I run quickly to her as they do the first charge. I try to cover her eyes, so she doesn't have to watch Tim twitch due to the electrical shock, but her eyes are glued on him.

"Dad, wake up!" She screams, trying to free my grasp. 

"Alan, let go. He's not coming back." I hear one doctor say to another. They keep doing it.

"Alan. Give it up. You can't save him. Just let him go. It's a lost cause." Says the same doctor. They give him a shock, as Alli lets out a final cry. 

Tim gasps for air, clinching to the sides of the hospital bed. I can see every vein in his neck, because he is straining so hard. He starts to grunt in pain, as I try to move Alli out of the room. Her feet are glued down, she's not going anywhere. 

Doctors begin to give him injections and check his vitals. He keeps grabbing his chest. The doctors pull down his hospital gown to see a large bruise forming right over his heart. 

"He may have just blown a central artery." Says one of the doctors. "I could've been from the shock or the straining. We'll need to do heart surgery immediately, just to make sure that it's not that. Or else he will go straight into cardiac arrest.".

Alli begins to cry, as she buries her cheek in my chest. Her eyes are still on her father. Tim grabs her hand briefly and smiles before the agony returns. I wrap my arms around Alli, as they take Tim out of the room. Tim lets go of her hand...

Just When I Needed You Most (Sequel to Forever & Always)Where stories live. Discover now