Chapter 2: Petra Ral

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"Goodnight, sis." a little brunette haired girl sings to her older sister as she heads out to prom with her date.

"Goodnight Hinami. " the strawberry blonde calls to her youngest sister then hugs her mum.

"You look like a princess, Petra." she whispers making her smile.

"Thanks mum."

A knock on the door echoes through the victorian house and the young woman opens the door to a short dark ravenette in a black suit.

"Levi!" She smiles and takes his arm when he offers it to her.

"Ready to go?" He questions in his usual soft tone.

The girl giggles and snuggles up to him.

"Heehee, of course, Levi!"

He guides her like a gentleman to the car and opens the door for her.
Petra blushes at the gentlemanly act and sits in the passenger seat, awaiting for Levi to get in and go. When the man sits down the engine starts up and the two zoom off.

It's silent down the road before Levi finally speaks up. "Youre a very beautiful woman, Petra." he whispers taking a turn down the wrong road.

Being aware of the directions, Petra tilts her heard to the right road.
"...T-Thank you, Levi... I...I think you went the wrong way."

"Hm? Are you sure? Damn it to Hell." he mutters shaking his head "I'm sorry I'll just loop back further up this road. "

"Alright," she giggles amused by Levi's loss of direction.
"You're so adorable, Levi. Especially when you make small mistakes like that."

"Adorable? Forgive me, Petra but I'm not sure about that. Afterall. Im taller than you~" he chuckles a dark teasing chuckle to her before Glancing back to the road.

"You're very happy about that, aren't you?"

"So what if i am?"

The girl giggles again and sighs happily. "Nothing... again, I find it adorable- oh, you missed the turn off again."

"Fuck- oop! Exuse me." he apologises for his slip of the tongue and keeps driving.

"... Petra we have a bit of time to burn... I want to show you something. "

"Show me something?"

Being a girl she automatically pictures a beautiful night sky, or maybe some jewelry, and money, oh how she loves pretty things.

"What is it, Levi?"

"It's about me... I'm not who you think I am, darling and I'm sorry to say I have been using you."


Petra stays silent taking in the news, feeling her heart suddenly dissolve.

"...Levi. Stop the car please. "

He shakes his head and glances to her.

"You'll stay put, Petra Ral. Don't even think about moving," he says. His pupils dialating, compelling her and controlling her mind to obey his words.

She stares blankly at him before sitting back in her seat and saying nothing.
Obeying the sudden thought to stay that has popped into her mind.

"I'm not going to lie, I'm rather fond of you... hmm... are you feeling scared?" He asks the girl in a casual conversation to which she replys with
"Y-yes, Levi I am"

"Hmm." He hums in response "Don't be scared... I won't hurt you. Much. As I've mentioned I've grown rather fond of you... but I'm hungry... Petra." He says glancing to her once more. "I am going to pull this car over and you are going to let me drink you dry, understand?" He says compelling her once more.

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