Chapter 43: You Were Dead!

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"Eren" a voice whispers in his ear. Levi holds him close to his body. Lips to his ear trying to keep his voice down. "Eren wake up... someone's in the house."

"h-huh?" Eren yawns and looks up at Levi. "Of course someone is... We are in it." He dopily says.

"No Eren someo-" a bang is heared as a glass bottle smashes in the kitchen and it echoes through the house. "Fuck"  He says sitting up.

Eren becomes extremely alert and he quickly stands up. "Who would dare trespass..." Eren growls quietly, narrowing his eyes and slowly turning the knob to the bedroom door.

"Hang on" Levi runs to the door aswell with a big iron firepoker. "okay I'm ready". the puppy stays curled up on the bed and Levi creeps out into the hallway not making a sound. "I'll scope it out."

"Be careful" Eren whispers and looks to Merlin who sinks low onto the bed.
He then follows Levi out.

Levi slips quickly and quietly down the stares and peeks out into the kitchen. The lights on alright. Levi slips out of Eren's sight and through the house.
Tip toeing. Creeping. Quickly and quietly before he bumps into something. He looks up only to see a red gleaming pair of eyes escorting a wicked smirk.


A loud smashing sound is heard along with Levi screaming making Eren run down the stairs in panic to his boyfriend's aid. He turns the corners and races down only to see Levi in a death grip cuddle by a large bearded man with glowing red eyes.
"LEVI WHAT IS- ... Happening..." Eren suddenly feels panic. And also a little sad... Levi is being hugged by a man that he does not know, and judging by the eyes is a vampire as well.
Eren's conclusion: past mate of Levi's.  Nonetheless, he must defend his love and so he speeeds towards them and kicks the man off of Levi and holds his lover in a tight protective hold.

His lover. Looks annoyed to say the least at the new arrival "I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!" he snaps and the man laughs hysterically.

"You WISH! I was dead, Brat!" The intruder laughs and Levi scoffs.

"Tch. Get out of my house!"

"s-so... What I thought was true..." Eren looks between the two and he drops his arms from around Levi.
"You two... Were lovers?" Eren sniffs.
The kid being oblivious automatically assumes the worst. He hasn't picked up at all that the strange man uses the same sort of language as Levi at all.

"The hell's wrong with you?" Levi asks and the tall man walks over which Levi reacts to by pulling Eren away from him.

"He thinks I'm ye lover?" The man asks

"Shut up, Kenny."

"Son I aint gay!" He cackles making Levi glare.

"He's not my lover, Eren."

"T-then who is he?" The boy asks, blinking repetitively to keep the tears he had wanted to spill beforehand down. The man looks so gruff and dangerous, Eren could see Levi wanting to be with him for excitement. It gets him down, when it really shouldn't.

"He's my shitty uncle."
Levi sighs and Kenny grabs onto him around the arms and shakes him in a manly hug while Levi's face stays dull and  irritated.

"OI OI OI Brat no need to introduce me to 'im like that!" Kenny laughs and looks at Eren. "And who might this brat be? Can't have brats breeding with more brats to make the world over run by brats so the brats breed with brats that can't breed?"

"Yes. He's my boyfriend." Levi confirms as if reading some made up language.

"huh..? Wait, what??" Eren got completely lost in all that brat talk that his little brain got dizzy.
"Wait wait wait, so you're Levi's uncle.... Oh... So not a past lover... Or... Levi, were you into incest?!" Eren gasps shocked, almost looking ill. The boy isn't very smart. It's almost like the whole conversation he has been zoned out and now he's just coming with ridiculous conclusions that shouldn't be thought up.
Incest, for example.

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