Chapter 7: Inconvenience

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At Eren's work

"Hey eren!" Sasha calls while eating a packet of chips from the shop that she hasn't paid for.

 "Sasha, what have I told you about eating without paying?!" Eren scolds taking the chips off of her. He immediately gives them back after seeing her mood completely drop.

"I'll pay for it later," the girl promises and Eren swears he'll make sure she keeps it. The two busily go about their work, before Sasha notices something off about Eren.

"You're limping." She frowns.

"What?" Eren suddenly becomes very bright red. "No I'm not. Don't be ridiculous."

 "You are!" She calls and giggles "Someone got laid huh?" She grins calling Eren out.

 "Grrr no! That is NOT what happened." Eren insists, groaning in itritance. Oh he had got laid. He got laid GOOOOD. Levi worked so hard that Eren will probably feel the cramps for days. He's so embarrassed, and now that Sasha is pointing it out, it can only get worse from here, right? Correct. It does get worse.

"Hello can I have some assistance in buying food?" Calls a dark and familar voice.

Sasha glances to the ravenette who has spoken. "Oh. Yes Eren knows about the ailes. I have things to do, Eren so..." she runs off to 'do things' when infact Eren knows damn straight she's just going off to eat. Little does she know she's just Eren to help a vampire.

"Hey, Brat how's working in a slum for fiithy human peasants working out?" Levi blinks to him.

 "What the hell are you doing here, it's barely even night yet!" Eren wails, panicking slightly. He then looks behind Levi and raises an eyebrow.
"Where's your little pet?"

 "Pet? Her name is Petra. Idiot. And she's out. I sent her to be solo. If she's going to learn she can't have me around all the time. Plus she doesn't like you." Levi responds with a casual shrug of his shoulders.

 "Yeah? Good. I don't like her either." Eren soffs, turning around to put some cans on a shelf. "And her name is PETra right? Sounds like a pet to me."

 "It has a 'ra' on the end. Don't be so sour. There's nothing to be jealous of. I don't like her like that" he says casually and picks up a can and looks at it before sticking his tongue out in disgust and putting it back ok the shelf.

 Eren snorts in amusement.
"Me? Jealous? Ha! As you said, nothing to be jealous of. I just don't like vampires." He huffs, bending over to take more cans out of the box.

 "That's not what you said last niiight~" Levi teases before slinking away into the ailes of food.

 The now flustered teen boy shakes his head with furrowed eyebrows and continues doing his job, ignoring what Levi said as best as he can.
'Arrogant prick,' Eren mentally curses.
Once the cans are done, he wanders out the back into the storage Rooms, staff only. Meant to be, but of course, Levi doesn't listen to rules.

 Said rampire now hangs upside down with his feet hooked onto a metal bar near the roof.
"Pst!" He hisses scaring the shit out of the teen who doesn't see him at first and the box he holds now drops to the floor. Other workers look at him which Eren sends apologietic glances to.

"Careful, Jaeger, we need them perfect," the back room manager scolds.

"Yes sir... Sorry sir." Eren sighs before glaring at Levi. "What the hell?!" He whisper shouts. "Go away!"

 "I'm seeing your work... it looks boring and lame." he judges and looks around.

 "it is lame," Eren sighs before deciding to ignore Levi once again. He exits the area and goes to load the shelves with the new items. Making the vampire frown at his leave.

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