Chapter 16: NAWW HAWW

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"What if it was me?" Levi asks again looking at the hand that still holds his own. Knowing that at any minute it will probably let go of him.

"You, huh?" Eren stops playing with Levi's hand, now just holding it.It's silent for a long while. The silence only brings Levi's nerves to go crazy. Would Eren hate him for his feelings? Would he be disgusted with him?
The seconds feel like hours for the vampire. Then Eren laughs.

"I'd call you an idiot! Your plan was to make me fall in love with you. Not the other way round." He giggles.

"Yeah... that's true... you're not disgusted because I'm a vampire then?" Levi asks relaxing a little, yet also giving away how he feels about Eren .

"Huh?" Eren furrows his brows. "Well I mean it's a little surprising. But no. Not disgusted. As I said. Flattered..."

Levi then hugs tightly onto Eren. "I'm sorry for ever wanting to eat you... I mean... you're tasty but I don't want to eat you anymore. "

"Well that's a relief," Eren chuckles, returning the hug as best as he can. It feels good to know he's not seen as food anymore. It's kind of a huge weight lifted off of him. He doesn't have to worry about getting eaten by Levi during his sleep. "You don't want to eat me and I don't want to kill you. I say things worked out well for that."

"Mhm." Levi cuddles Eren. "And you broke up with Jean... Wait, no you haven't." He frowns and gets up running off then coming back holding the house phone, thrusting it into Eren. "Break up with him."

"Later..." Eren sighs. He doesn't feel up to calling the bastard right now. After all, he could still be in the middle of something and Eren really doesn't want to call him at a time like that.

"No Eren do it now. Meet up and break up. He'll be finished by now right? Call." Levi insists holding out the phone.

With a shakey breath the boy gives in and starts dialling the numbers.
"Alright. It's ringing."

Levi nods sitting next to Eren and listening in with his vamp hearing.

The call gets picked up and a tired horse answers. The out of breathness Jean has makes Eren's lips purse tightly and his chest tightens.
"Jean," he says with a hint of aggression.

"Eren? It's... like early. Is everything alright? "

"No. No it's not. Let's meet up today, hmm? Then we'll talk."

Jean stays silent. It gets on Eren's nerves.

"Yeah...yeah sure. I'll come around later today." The horse faced male says.

"Mmhmm. Okay."


"Ill eat him, okay?" Levi offers and hugs Eren.

"No...No don't eat him, Levi." Eren sighs patting his hands that hug him. "He's an ass, but he doesn't deserve it.... and if he does, I want to be the one to kill him."

The shorter sighs. "Can I at least suck his blood or compell him to do something stupid like flash the police?"

Eren chuckles and shakes his head .
"Knowing him, he could get in trouble by himself."

"It's my 301st birthday soon ... we can make him a pinjata."

"Levi stop it." Eren laughs. Suddenly he pauses and peers up at Levi.
"Your birthday? When?"

"December 25th," the vampire answers. "Do you have any blood bags?"

"Uh... sorry. Ah. Hang on."
Eren stands. He shuffles like the little sushi roll he is and moves towards the freezer. "Check in here," he says, headbutting the container.

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