Chapter 24: A Cure For Sadness

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"Aye, Laddy! Looks like we're on our first job as partners! WOOHOO! EXCITED?!"

"Yeah Adain... Very excited." Eren says in probably the least excited tone out there. Levi left two days ago and it already feels like 2 years. It's painful.

"Cheer up, lad," the irishman says. "You look as dull as a potatos buttocks!"

"I feel like it." Eren agrees with a sigh. He loads his gun filled with wooden bullets and sticks it inside his leather jacket he's sporting. A small canister of vervain sits in his inside pocket and of course his high class wooden stake is slipped into his belt.

"I need to focus... Okay... Game face. Game face! VLAAAAAAAA! ...... There we go."

"We should talk 'bout this...  have a heart to heart." Adain picks Eren up by the back of his shirt and carries him easily to a bench where he plonks Eren down and sits on the opposite side. "What's got ya boiler silent?" He raises a blazing red eyebrow.

"...... Nothing. I'm just having one of those days, yknow?" Eren mumbles.

"Usually You're so full of fire. Eren tell me what's wrong. As your partner i should be trusted right?" Adian pushes for an answer.

"I didn't get much sleep last night, is all." The boy sighs rubbing his face with both hands before standing up with a deep inhale.
"Come on. We have vampires to kill."

"Eren." The hunter booms. "Tell me what's wrong. For our partner ship to work we need more than just strength. We need to know eachother well. Be able to read eachother... this is our training right now. Bonding. "

"training? ... Alright. Alright fine. But I don't think you'll like it." Eren sits back down.
"I'm worried. About Levi. He has a witch on his tail and he could be killed by it. He's my friend that I care deeply for. By that I mean that I love him. So I'm worried."

"Love 'im?" Adian eyes Eren off. "And he loves you too, eh?"

The boy nods his head slowly before throwing it back with a sigh."I know we have to kill the evil vampires.  Hey, maybe that's what i need.  I know that as soon as we head off I'll be feeling better. Nothing takes off stress like vampire hunting. "

"Hmn. Agreed. But i have one more question, " the red head says.

Eren looks to him and tilts his head to face the red man properly.

"If you two love eachother... why aren't you with him? Hm?"

"... Because. He's on the run from a witch, Adain. And apparently they are very persistent. He doesn't want me hurt, or worse off, killed by it. If things were different, then maybe we would be together." Eren finishes with a sad sigh, running his fingertips over the strands of his hair. He feels just that little bit more sadder thanks to this talk.

Adian sighs. "You have that much commitment to hunting? I'm proud. Though you also have to remember what's inportant to you."

"Hunting, is important Adain. I've wanted to be a hunter from the moment I watched my father kill my mother. There isn't a chance I'm quitting. I'm a hunter. I hunt. Can we just, go now? I'm really in the mood to kill something."

"Alright, Lad." Adain chuckles. "Just don't loose your head understand?"

"It's screwed on tight, Adain. That I promise."


"Eeerrrmmm... Levi? Where the hell are we going?!" Petra groans walking behind her master.
"I thought we were running away from the witch? ! You're walking into a place that looks like it would be littered with them."

"Littered? What makes you say that?" The dark haired male hums.

"It's dark. It smells awful. It looks bare and bleak. It's also very secluded. Don't you think witches would live here?!"

"... what else can we do really..." Levi's voice suddenly drops to a whisper.

Petra tilts her head and comes closer to Levi.
"...what are you planning to do? Come on, we have to go elsewhere, Levi. Otherwise you'll be caught and me along with you."

"We can't run forever... this is the only way," his voice is a hush as he creeps round the house.

"Levi! What about Eren, huh?!" Petra whisper shouts, creeping along with him. As they near a door, Petra's gut starts aching and dropping. She can feel it. The presence of someone that isn't human, nor vampire.

"I know i know... but I can't live like this anymore. We have to be free... I'm going in or I'm going to die trying." Levi drops a bomb on the ground. "Okay lets go quick!" he whispers.

"Jesus fuck!" Petra wastes no time in bolting off. Levi bolts after her. The vampires wizz out of the witch house safely.

"Mission complete." Levi sighs as Petra goes off before the bomb.


"I'm gonna blow those whores to hell."


"We would have been fine," he waves a hand. "Now lets go. We have more to exterminate."

Something about Levi has changed. His sence of righteousness is gone. Not to say that the classy vampire is the golden egg of the group. But he had his morals. Killing a house full of what could have been innocent witches wasn't one of them. Especially with how he goes on about not all vampires being bad. He's no longer antibias.

"Don't you want to stop and think about this?!" Petra pleads. She knows this isn't right. Levi doesn't kill. But apparently now he does. The male vampire shrugs and begins walking away.
Petra follows, unable to leave his side.


Eren has been on a hunting spree. All week. Kill after kill after kill. Yet, even though he has been ridding the evil vampires, he feels disatisfied. He still feels empty, and everytime,  he thinks killing more will help soothe himself. It's becoming a worry for Adain. Eren is almost like a son to him, and seeing his boy acting crazy mad with his vampire hunting, it's slightly worrying. He sniffs them out like a bloodhound. Sometimes he asks the vampires questions, before they attack him and they get killed.
Eren is lost. He's trying to find himself through murder.

Both Adian and Petra realise their boys are acting crazy. Both have turned to hunting and ruthless murder.

Both red heads reallise that this is worse than usual.

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