Chapter 25: The Burning Fires Of Rage

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It's on another one of these vampire hunts, that Adain watches carefully and listens to  exactly what Eren does.

The said boy breaks the window of a house belonging to a gang of vampires that are notorious to hunters. They have been murdering and killing humans recklessly and Eren has picked out this hunt especially for his killing vamp rage.

The boy somersaults in smoothly and rolls onto his feet, standing with his gun in one hand and a vervain grenade in the other.
He now wears an angry scowl, and as he wanders through the 'abandoned' building he listens carefully. He hears a glass smash behind him and whirls around to shoot a vampire in the chest with the wooden bullets. Eren then quickly stakes his hands to the floor along with his legs.

The vamp howls in pain but Eren shows zero remorse.

"Where are your other friends?" Eren hisses at him.
The red eyed vampire growls and struggles but he is held firmly.

"I won't tell!" The vampire states.

"Bad choice."
Eren walks closer to the defencless creature and places a stake at his heart. The red eyes watch him closely, his breath now shortening into panic puffs.
Eren raises a leg and holds the stake up with a foot placed on top. Not quite piercing him but any sudden moves would cause the weapon to pierce the cold dead heart.

Adain wanders in and stares at Eren, taking in the unusually cold nature of Eren's hunting. He does get the job done, and is rewarded for it, but his spark and excitedness for hunting has just gone down hill. He's determined for something,  but Adain can't pinpoint what.

"I said. Where are the others?!" Eren repeats, pressing on the stake and making it stab into the vampire a smidgen.


"Fine." Eren sighs. "Then answer these other questions. Have you seen a vampire named either, Grisha Jaeger, Levi Ackerman, or Petra Ral?"

"Grisha Jaeger!? He disappeared last anyone heared of him!" the vampire huffs and grunts.

"Where. Where?! Did he leave some sort of message of where he's going?!"

The vampire just continues to grunt making Eren bare his teeth angrily and step slightly harder on the wooden stake.

"AH! You won't get anything out of me! I don't have connections!" he pants in pain.

"Hmm. Very well." Eren frowns and stomps his foot hard into the vampire, killing it instantly.
He turns to Adain.
"I think we're done here. There's no one else around."

"Aye..." Adian mumbles before picking up his ringing phone. "Hello? Ah. How are yeh, Love? ..... uhuh... wha-... we'll be right there..." he hangs up his phone and looks at Eren. "We have to go. Now! We have a serious vampire problem."

"What? Alright. Fill me in on the way." Eren and Adain exit the abandoned house and get into Adain's truck. They zoom off and Eren awaits Adain for an explanation.

"Its me neice," Adian says speeding quickly along. "Recently she's been tracking what she assumes to be solo attacks on witch hide outs. Blowing up the houses. With explosives. At first she wasn't sure. But now she knows it was a vampire. Her house has been blown up. She was out for groceries."

"Well that's a relief then." Eren says keeping his eyes on the road they be traveling on. "I've never heard of a vampire blowing things up..."

"Targeting witches? This vamp has obviously tango'd with them before. Clearly he or she knows how strong they are. But it's definitely a vamp. Because at her gate. She had set up a video camera. She caught a blurry and staticed out figure. No way you could tell who it was. If they can't be caught on camera. They're a vamp. She only caught one though she says there could be a whole gang for all she knows." The large man sweats in worry. "We've gotta get 'em, Eren? We have to stop this sick murder."

"Yeah... yeah we do..." Eren frowns and feels empathy for the red man. Family is everything. "I will lend all my help, Adain. For your niece."

"I'll introduce you two. She might have to stay with me for a while so youll see her alot."

"Alright. I hope she's alright. "

The car trip is more or less silent as they turn corners of the streets onto a burnt up house. Firefighters now sparaying the embers down to stop the fires.

"CAKE!" Adian jumps out of the car to hug his crying neice. "You okay, lass?"

She shakes her head and blinks at her house continuing her tears while Adian rubs her back supportively.

The house is now only ashes and Eren can only watch as the firefighters do their job.

"Stupid vampires... why can't they just stop living to kill... why can't they be more like him..." Eren mutters, thinking about Levi and rekindling his yearn for the vamp.

"Eren." Adian turns to him.

"Yes?" Snapping himself out of his thoughts, he turns his attention towards Adain.

"This is my neice Cake. Cake this is my new partner, Eren Jaeger." Adian introduces and Cake extends her hand to Eren.

"Nice to meet you," she sniffs.

"Pleasure." Eren smiles solemnly and shakes her hand before retracting it and once again staring at the diaster.

"Come on, lass... lets get you home." Adain ushers Cake to the truck and Eren follows. It's a long silent ride back home.

Only the sounds of the girl gazing wistfully out the window and sniffing.

"So do we ave any leads?" Adian asks Cake when they finally get home and sit on the couch.

Eren sits down opposite Cake and stares at her waiting for an answer.

The girl shakes her head before stopping and thinks for a while.
"I can't think right now..." the girl sniffs.

"Other than witches I suppose," Adian sighs. "Eren and I will go out searching tomorrow and ask around.

Eren nods, agreeing with Adain's idea.
"We'll help you, Cake... actually,  I have a question."

She sniffs "wh-what?"

"This vampire is targeting witches, right?"

"Witches... yes I knew a few. " she sobs again.

"It blew up your house too... does that make you one?"

"Yes," she nods. "It's in the family. "

"I see..." Eren glances to Adain in questioning and then furrows his brows.
The boy stands. "Excuse me. I need a glass of water." Eren says before walking out of the room.

Cake just resumes crying. Though Adian pats her back and gives her a little space. Following Eren out. "What's up, Lad? You left so suddenly."

"Hmm... I'm just thinking. Very hard. About this vampire hunting down witches."

"Don't worry, Eren. We'll get them. "

"That's what I'm afraid of..." Eren mumbles sipping at the water he got himself and sighing.

"Afraid? Just today I watched you stab a defenceless vamp on the floor. What's wrong now?" He raises a thick red eyebrow.

"Levi was being hunted by a witch. What if..." Eren stops himself  and then stops.
"Ha... what am I thinking. I doubt him too much. He wouldn't. "

"I should hope not. Because if it was him I'd kill 'im. On sight. " Adian looks dead serious at Eren.

"..." Eren gulps and shakes his head.
"He wouldn't... don't kill him..." he says, now worried and desperately wishing upon a star that Levi isn't the culprit.
"He's not. He's not that reckless."

"Good" Adian grunts and walks back out to comfort his niece.

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