Chapter 36: Eren! Stop!

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The sexy beast drives off and Eren watches as the building he once lived in becomes out of sight. He slumps in his chair, absolutely miserable.

"This isn't permanent, Eren, one day you'll be able to live back in your apartment. But for now you need to let go. You weren't looking after the place anyway. What's wrong with living with me? Hm?"

"nothing." Eren sighs.
"I want to go back. I worked hard to earn that place. Real hard. Then you force me to move against my will. I'm mad at you."

"It's for your own good" Levi sighs. He doesn't want Eren mad at him. But he can't help that if he wants to protect the boy he loves.

"I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself! Okay? I'm not a child that needs taking care of. I managed three months without you, and I had vampires coming at me from every angle." Eren Huff's.

"EREN I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU CAN HANDLE!" Levi grips the stearing wheel. "I NEED TO HAVE YOU AROUND. I NEED TO BE ABLE TO TEACH YOU THINGS AND MAKE SURE YOU'RE SAFE! YOU THINK THEY'RE JUST GONNA GET YOU ONCE THEN LEAVE FOREVER!? NO! THEY AREN'T! THEY AREN'T STUPID EITHER! NEXT ATTACK WILL BE A LOT BETTER THOUGHT OUT AS WELL! CAN'T YOU JUST STOP BEING A CHILD AND FUCKING DO WHAT YOU'RE TOLD FOR ONCE!? FOR FUCKING ARRRG!" Levi screams flipping the absolute shit. He doesn't usually loose his head like this but Eren's constant whinging has made him as pissed off as a mother with four toddlers.  "... please just shut up" is what he utters afterwards hoping that maybe this crazy pain in the ass will give him a rest. "Please. I'm sick of hearing how everything i do is wrong no matter what it is."

Eren shuts up. Levi doesn't usually get knocked off his horse and having him shout at Eren like that makes Eren sick. The rest of the car ride is silent. Levi driving, and Eren staring at the window in thought.

They drive for a little while before they come to a smaller area of town. The old Ackerman's house stands tall and beautiful. Old victorian and massive. With two floors.
"Come on." Levi sighs "I'm sorry for shouting. Can we just try and get along? i don't want to fight you anymore" he gets out of the car and walks over to Eren's door looking sad. He opens the door up for him.

"...Thank you" Eren mumbles quietly. He feels like he was the one being wrong. Like his mum just screamed at him. It's a feeling that Eren hasn't had in a long time. Being growled at makes an unsettling feeling rest in his stomach.
His eyes look at the old house, and Levi wasn't kidding; it's massive.

"Your room is next to my room" Levi explains picking the bags out of the boot and chucking a few to Eren to carry.

"Great." Eren asnwers softly. The bags are all unloaded and Levi shows Eren inside.

He opens the door to a beautifully designed house. Everything in there is old fashioned yet gorgeous. Well all the wood furniture anyway. The bench tops are a black marble and it has a chandelier. Most of the house has an old fashioned theme about it.
"Come inside. It's up stairs" Levi walks inside his house chucking his jacket on a coat rack by the door and taking off his boots before walking to the staircase. It's a dark wood too with a red carpet down the stairs.

Eren follows with wide eyes, observing everything in the house. It amazes him, the beauty and how old fashioned it is. Though it also feels like someone hasn't been here for a  long time.
They come up to two rooms side by side upstairs, and Levi opens the door on the right.

"This is your room" Levi steps to the side. It has in it a dresser and a double bed. A carpet in the middle of the room though the rest of the floor is wooden. It has a huge wardrobe and a couple of other things.
"Make yourself comfortable. But if you start punching my furniture i won't be happy" Levi warns him and puts his bags in the middle of the room. Starting to unpack some things.

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