Chapter 3: Second Helping

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Two months later...

"Petra!" Levi yells at the bingeing red head. Ever since she first tasted blood it's been clear that she doesn't hold back. She compells the humans to forget she ever fed on them after she feeds on them before finding another one. Though she is curtious with her feeding, She does it alot. She binges the crap out of   the folk in the city.
Currently Levi and Petra are in an alley way while Petra drinks the blood of a teenaged boy.

Levi sighs after Petra pulls herself away and begins wiping her mouth.

He holds both of the boys shoulders and stares into his eyes. "You'll forget this happened. You walked down the alley way because you dropped your football." He speaks and the teen nods as Levi shoves the ball into his chest causing him to run off.

"Right. Time for me to teach you about vervain." Levi speaks turning to the girl sired to him. He has taken her under his wing as his vampire side kick.

Levi doesn't love Petra. He never did. It was all a lie.

But he wasn't lying when he said he was fond of her.

"Vervain? The hell is that?"
She wipes her face with her hands before licking the left over blood and smiling in satisfaction.

"Hmph. Taste this. But don't drink it. " he smirks passing her a small bottle of clear water.
"It's vervain water. Made from the plant vervain and water. Obviously. Tch." he scoffs crossing his arm and leaning against the wall.

Petra eyes the bottle and sniffs at it, before she tilts a little bit onto her tongue. Not drinking it. As told.

As soon as it touches her tongue the girl shrieks in pain.

"Ah! Fuck! It burns! It's burning me!! Ah! Ow ow ow!" She shouts fanning her tongue while Levi smirks and takes the bottle. 

"Vervain is deadly poisonous to vampires. It stumps our healing and hurts like a bitch. Vervain water is water laced with the toxic plant. To us it will burn, but to humans it should tast just like normal water.  Vampire hunters use vervain tipped arrows and blades. Anything. Because it will stop our regeneration and hurt like a fucking bitch. Same with wood. We get wood in our skin and its hard to get out. Throat slit with glass? No problem you'll be right in a jiffy. You get a splinter? It's not going to heal unless you get that bad boy out " her mentor and master explains before looking on out of the alleyway. "Undedstand?"

"Yes, Levi. " she nods and they walk out into the busy crowds.

"Eren this is getting rediculous!" Armin whines. "It happened two months ago. You got tested for drug use because your manager thought you were taking crack, you looked so tired and shakey!"

Armin and Eren have just come from the book store where they have purchased 'a hunters guide to the supernatural', a book focusing on vampire hunting.

"Shhh! It'll be alright... Very.. very soon...Hehehehe..." the sleep deprived boy chuckles like a mad man would, caressing his new book.

"I'll kill him... Then I'll kill them all...NO! I will kill them all, every one I see until I catch that jerk of a bastard.. Fuck."

Regardless of the time, Eren holds grudges. Especially against his father who Eren feels betrayed him. He hates vampires and he's determined in ridding the scum that pollutes the earth.

"Eren I- Hey!" Armin squeals as a short ravenette and light haired girl push past him.

"Watch where you're going, Brat. " the raven spits and walks off with his voice and apearance being that of what Eren cant forget.

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