Chapter 10: He isn't my boyfriend...

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"Knock knock! Eren!!" Armin bangs on the door. He hasn't seen his friend for a while so he decided to pay Eren a visit. Except, the one that answers the door isn't Eren, but instead a pale man with dark hair that's about the size of a dwarf. And shirtless. He greets Armin with a scowl. "Ew an Aryan girlscout. Go away." Levi frowns at him.

 "... are you Eren's boyfriend?" The  coconut asks.

 "Me...? With Eren?... oh..." Levi thinks this over for a minute before deciding to lie. "Yeah... and who are you?"

 " oh.. I'm his best friend." Armin tilts his head to look Levi up and down.
"Well... Can I come in?"

 "Um... that depends... are you the vampire that Eren was talking about? I heard they have to be invited into a house," Levi fakes suspicion.

 "Vampire? I'm not a vampire!" The blonde insists. "Look, I just came to check on Eren. If you won't let me see him, just tell me he's alright."

 Levi frowns and crosses his arms over his chest. "He's fine. I've been looking after him. He's resting easy."

 "oh... Well that's good... At least he has someone looking after him.... Could you bring him to the door? Please?"

 "Why do I have to bring him to the door?" Levi's voice is now laced with real suspicion.

 "I just want to talk to him..." Armin's voice trails off quietly. He's been doing an analysis of Eren's new boyfriend and has decided that this man is a real shifty character.

 "Why don't you just come in?" Levi steps aside. Levi is curious of armin being a new vampire and so he wants to see if he can enter without being invited in by Eren. He's been on edge lately and it's hard to say why. But everyone seems like a threat to Eren's to Levi.

 "Oh, thank you." Armin walks into the house, into the familiar building. His eyes look over to Eren's door before he knocks quietly hearing a groan on he other side. Armin quietly chuckles before entering the room and closing the door behind him. Levi frowns then listens at the door hearing Armin walk over to Eren's bed.

 "Eren.... Eeeren... EEEREEENNN!"

"ARGH!" The said boy jolts up in a pant before looking up at Armin, blinking a few several times.
".. oh it's you," Eren yawns laying back down. His eyes are tired and his hair looks quite messy from a restless sleep. He has dark circles and the boy feels down right shit.

 "Yeah it's me... Eren get up. You have work... and I need to talk to you about your boyfriend..." the blonde mutters making Levi perk up in interest.

 "Boyfriend?" Eren furrows his brows confused. "...What?"


"Fine fine, I'm up." The brunette yawns again before slipping out from the covers and taking his shirt off in front of Armin.

 Armin sighs. "Honestly Eren... he seems a little sketchy... with him walking around your apartment and answering the door shirtless and all..."

 "Are you talking about Levi? Be careful. Don't make him mad." Eren warns, now in his underwear and searching for his work clothes. The two boys have been friends since childhood and both don't care if the other sees them naked. Their friendship is certainly one to behold.

 "M-mad!? Eren... does your boyfriend beat you?" Armin asks biting his lip a little scared for himself and even more so his friend, but the blonde earns a laugh.

"No of course not! ... And he isn't my boyfriend, Armin." Eren confirms. How his friend even got the idea is ridiculous. Once he gathers his clothes, he goes into the bathroom, out of his room. They see Levi, Eren mutters a good morning, before him and Armin disappear into the room of baths and showers. As previously established, Eren and Armin are close. close enough to shower in front of one another.

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