[END] Chapter 50: Reunion

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It's around ten o clock at night the next day. Eren wears a white singlet with a black leather jacket. The rest of his clothes are black as well and he slips a gun into his pocket and admires himself in the mirror. There's an hour till the bar closes.

"Levi? How do I look?"

"Great" Levi nods and stands up to hug Eren tightly putting a kiss on his cheek. "now will you get the hunting tools down from the top of the cupboard?" Eren put them up where Levi couldn't reach so he wouldn't stuff around with the dangerous gear even if Levi insisted that he's old enough to know what he's doing. Eren is protective over his babies. A.K.A his guns.

"Yes... if you be careful with them." Eren wanders towards the said place where he hid them and takes out all his weapons and gear.

"Ooo! I've never held one of these" Levi says picking up a loaded crossbow.

"Ah! Careful!" Levi accidentally hits it, and the thing is loaded. It narrowly misses Eren.

"Shit. Its so shiney..." Levi says polishing it.

"...please put it down Levi. Save it for when on the field."

"I will once i get off this stain. Have you seen my boots? I think the puppy got them."

"Merlin!" Eren calls. Merlin comes in with Levi's boot, as the vamp predicted.
"Well. There ya go." Eren chuckles.

"Ugh. Damn dog... he's getting quite big isn't he..." Levi holds out his hand and the puppy drops it for him.

"Soon he can be by my side like a great big hunting dog, sniffing out vampires and killing them with a single bite!"
Eren sighs dreamily.

"I doubt that. He's too cute" Levi pats the dogs head then slides his boots on and stands up. "Taking the car?"

Eren nods.
"Yeah. Let's go."
He bends down and pats Merlin lovingly before placing a kiss on the pups head.
"Be good, boy. Don't trash the house or else uncle Levi will get angwee  okay?"

"Tch. Come on" Levi says dragging Eren out of the room.

It's only a ten minute drive before they reach their destination at Adain's bar.
Eren's hand finds Levi's as he suddenly becomes overwhelmed with nerves.

"Yeah... you?" Levi gives Eren a small encouraging smile. Something he will only ever give Eren.

"...of course... I'm just shaking a little on the inside." The boy responds honestly, hugging onto his arm.
"Okay... in we go."

"You'll be fine" Levi walks Eren up to the bar and knocks onto the door massaging Eren's waist and squeezing his hand to calm him.

It doesn't take long before they are greeted by the o' fiery one. However, he looks displeased to see Levi.
"Eren." He greets with a small tilt of his head.

"Adain." Eren copies the greeting.

"Adian" Levi blinks up at him. "Can i call you uncle? Uncle Adi-oop!" Levi stops talking when Adian shoots him a dark glare.
"Right. Forgot you hated every bone in my body" Levi clicks his tongue.

"He wouldn't let me come along... he doesn't want anything to happen to me." Eren says quietly, hoping Adain might be lenient.

"Whatever. Come in then" Adian scoffs.

Eren and Levi look to each other before following Adain in.

"Did you 'ave to bring your scum of a boyfriend?" Adian sighs already knowing the answer

"Tch" Levi simply responds and Adian continues.

"... so you eat vampires... not humans?"

"Yes that's right. I do." Eren nods, confirming it.
"I sometimes drink from Levi. "

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