Chapter 4: Eat it

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At last, the boy could finally rid petra from his side as the aprtments skyscraper came into view. Petra left his side once Eren was in the elvator and vanished to who knows where. Eren goes up.
Staying silent.
Reveling in disgust at how he was overpowered and drained by the stupid vampire.

He loaths it.

As soon as he steps indoors, he begins resetting all the traps.

He spends his time putting up nets and things for a good hour before he is stopped abruptly by a clink from his kitchen.

That's right. The vamp is back.
Levi sits on the bench drinking Eren's burban once more. Cross legged and having changed into a pair of black jeans and a red shirt under a black jacket. Very casual for such a classy vamp. He even sports a pair of black converse.

Eren stares at the vampire.
"H-How did you get in?!" He stammers.

"I've been here for ages. I've been waiting for you too come home," he says casually before pouring another glass and putting it down. He picks up a wooden spoon, and stirs some pasta sauce he's cooking on the stove.
"Though as soon as you did you stayed out there putting a net up. So instead I decided I'd just cook dinner. "

"DINNER?" Eren gasps.
"You've already dranken my blood you monster! No way am i being cooked!"
He scowls at Levi and then quickly rushes to his room to find abother weapon of some sort.

While Levi rolls his eyes and continues to cook Eren human food for him. Eren appears shortly later and charges at Levi, stake in hand. The vampire barely notices and repelles by taking the steak from him and throwing it out the window then grabbing Eren by the wrists again.

"Now is that anyway to treat a guest, brat?" He frowns in mild annoyance.

 "U-uh... you.. vampire!" Eren pulls his wrists away and bares his teeth at Levi.
"You're not a guest! A guest is invited!  You aren't! "

 The sight of the growling boy makes levi highly amused, though he doesnt show it. "Thats true," he shrugs. "But I did make you dinner you lazy shit. So be greatful."

 "What?!"Eren blinks surprised, but his unattractive scowl still keeps resodence on his face.
"No. I'm not eating that!"

 "Why? I put effort into it," Levi frowns back. "Its good for humans. Even I like it." He sits back on the bench and resumes drinking his burban from his scotch glass.

 "You probably poisoned it! I know better than to accept food from a stranger! " Eren huffs crossing his arms and glaring at Levi.

 "You think I would poison you?" He gasps clutching his breast in offense. "I'd never taint your delicious blood." The voice of the demon on the bench is laced with a perverted tone causing the young boy to shiver in disgust.

"Oh please...  gross. ." Eren exits the room and heads to his laundry. He then comes back out with an axe.

"Oh. That's funny. You're going to hack me up?" The vampire blinks in interest looking at the axe.  "Now that might be a bit painful and I'm not sure I want that from you."

 "I don't care! I hate you and want to kill you!"

With those words spoken, Eren swings the axe. Missing. A shit load of times. Swinging, but not making a mark as Levi is insistent in not being harmed.

"Stay! Still!" Eren grunts, until eventually he tires himself out and flops onto his couch.

Levi sighs and comes and sits next to Eren and places a bowl of hot pasta on his lap. "Eat it. You're weak. I drank your blood remember? There's no way you can fight me if youre all weak and floppy. I bet you could barely cut wood."

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