Chapter 41: Don't Leave...

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Levi walks up the stares slowly creeping and then creaks the door open to the bathroom. Eren is humming to himself as he cleanses himself. It starts off slowly. Suddenly he begins singing out loud.


"Eren what are you doing?" Levi asks scaring the shit out of Eren since he never makes noise until he speaks.

"GAH!" The boy jumps, slipping over on the shower floor."Jesus Christ! " He shouts. "Don't do that! "

"Why aren't you at Armins house?" The shorter less wet vampire crosses his arms.

"Because. I wasn't really gonna go, I was kidding about that."

"Oh..." Levi stays silent then takes in a breath and turns on his heel not really knowing what to say. Eren blinks and rubs his sore head before standing up and continuing on with his shower.
In a few minutes he's out and he begins transferring the washing machine he bought into the the laundry room. Lifting it with ease and moving it across rooms like it's but a feather. After another ten minutes or so, the washing machine is hooked up. Levi is in the loundroom knitting something when Eren finishes.

"I didn't know you could knit" Eren says plonking himself beside Levi.

"I know how to do a lot of things. I've been alive for a long time" his boyfriend mutters quietly in responce. Not really sure what to say or do to Eren at the moment. So he doesn't even look at him.

"... I see. I got you a washing machine. The problems is fixed now." Eren says. Unlike Levi, he does have things to say.

"... mhm... thank you I saw" Levi mumbles. Continuing to knit. Loop after loop. Something forest green.

"Yes. It's in the wall now so it should work perfectly when you need to wash clothes... in fact it does wash good. I cleaned the cloth from this morning."

Levi nods. "Thank you."

A silence looms over them. Eren watches Levi's fingers as they knit and create fabric things.
He watches for a solid five minutes before Eren starts talking again.
"Armin sends his regards. He never did say goodbye to you, so."
All he gets in response is a nod and a hum in agreement and acknowledgement.
Levi's face is dark and dull. He has a very grey aura around him at the moment. He has been fighting wih Eren a lot latley and he's not sure what to think about it. Knitting is something Levi likes to do when he is confused. Like he is piecing things together in his head as he connects the wool to itself.

"... Levi? Are you okay?" The boy asks hesitantly. He's been trying to make conversation with the man but yet has failed each time. It makes his stomach feel sick to the core. Levi not talking, when Levi talks way too much according to Eren is a sign of Levi being not okay.

"I'm... I don't know... I'm just thinking I guess" he doesn't look away. The knitting is occupying his brain space.

"...I see..." Eren averts his eyes to look downwards at the ground and he slowly gets up. "I'll be in my room if you need me..." he tells him before slumping his way upstairs.

"Okay..." Levi nods and looks up from his knitting to watch Eren disapear upstairs then resumes his quiet emotionless knitting. This is what the house is usually like. Dull and quiet. This is how Levi usually acts. Dull and quiet.

'We had a fight over sex and a washing machine...' he thinks 'what if we break up? We only just got together though. I don't want to lose Eren...'
He lets out a small whimpering noise of sadness and Continues knitting in forest green.

Eren flops on his bed and looks out the window that shows a world drenched in the sky's tears.
'Did I do something wrong?' Eren asks himself as he becomes entranced with the drops splattering on his window.
'Is it because of the washing machine argument...? I thought we were only playing around...' He thinks. That's what Eren thought. The whole time. But Levi is different. He overthinks things. He thought Eren was genuinely mad with him and genuinely didn't want to stay with him anymore. He felt miserable and angry and now he feels nothing except dullness and loneliness. Unlike Eren, Levi doesn't understand that Eren was playing. Now thoughts like 'what if we fight again and he really does leave?' And 'if i don't give him sex will he leave me?' Flood his mind. The knitting needles click away and Levi ties off his work. Finishing it and putting everything away in his room before looking out his window and watching the rain tiredly.

Both boys think entirely different things, yet they both stare at the same scenery. A world that's cold. Dark and gloomy. A world of isolation, if you choose it. Eren does not. He is not a boy to be isolated. He wants to hug Levi and give him smooches. He wants to tell him he loves him because Eren really does. It makes him sad that Levi isn't talking to him. For a moment there, Eren felt as if he didn't really know who Levi was.

A soft and timid knock on Eren's door tells the arrival of the short ravenette who has lost his fighting spirit. He stares at the ground waiting for Eren to open the door for him.
Eren opens it. He flashes Levi a small smile before it disappears when the expression he sees isn't a joyful Levi like he wanted. Levi walks into the room and looks up at Eren. "The rain is nice" he utters before holding out the forest green scarf he has made. "you said you liked green."

"Yes... yes I do." Eren nods, taking the scarf and slowly wrapping it around his own neck. "Thank you... it's very warm."

Levi nods looking at Eren. "It's lonely without you... please don't leave again" Levi stares at him sadly. "I know I'm a jerk but-"

"Leave you?" Eren cuts him off with his tone shouting surprise. "Why would I leave you?"

"... because you broke my washing machine and I wouldn't have sex with you?" He stares his unbreakable stare at Eren. The poor pet looking like he's holding back tears. He's hurt. He doesn't want to go back to the days where his life was murder and constant thoughts of suicide. He's scared of that. Scared of being lonely. Scared of loosing his purpose.

"Levi..."Eren sighs and pulls him into a hug. Then he laughs.

"What's funny" Levi  asks hugging him back with a tearless sniff.

"You are just such a cutie pie, Levi." Eren giggles playing with the soft raven strands of hair. "I was only fooling with you. Having a joke.  Play fighting. I'm not mad at you or anything. Why would I get mad about you not having sex with me? Love is more than just sex. It's the company someone brings and the feeling that sweeps your heart. Sex is the added bonus, of course."
Eren sighs and places a kiss on his forehead.
"I'm not going to leave you for a silly little reason such as sex and a washing machine."

"You're not..." Levi feels stupid. "oh..." he looks away then back at Eren and hugs him tightly. "I love you, Eren"

" I love you too, idiot." Eren chuckles, squeezing him.  "God, you are precious."

"Shut up. I thought you hated me, jerk" Levi says still quiet and sad in his voice but at least now he speaks normal.

Eren only laughs and then he picks Levi up into his arms, hands resting under his bum.
"I could never hate you. " Eren beams kissing Levi's lips gently.

"Not true. You've hated me before" Levi hugs onto Eren And kisses next to his mouth to show him that he feels better now.

"That was then. And this is now. And right now, I think my Levi needs a hot cup of tea and Eren cuddles."
As he says what Levi needs, he carries Levi out of his room and proceeds down the stairs.

He quickly grabs Levi some tea before he places the man back into bed and cuddles him while Levi sips his warm tea. The warmth from both Eren's hugs and the warm cuppa tea brings Levi to a calm state. How silly was he. Thinking Eren would leave him. Eren would never leave him. If he does, Levi will drag him back. It's how they were before. Why should that change now? Levi slumps into Eren's arms as the younger vampire kisses at his neck softly, reminding Levi of how much he loves him. Levi hums and before he knows it, the tea is finished, and the two are enveloped in each other's arms, sleeping with a pup between them.


Eren and Levi have been living happily in Levi's big ass house. Life has been good. Just the three of them: Levi, Eren and little doggo Merlin.
But of course, all happy things need some complications.

Levi is busily cleaning in the house while Eren plays with merlin.
Banging comes from the front door.

"... who's that!?" Levi yells to Eren.

"I'm checking!" Eren sighs getting up and letting Merlin play with the chew toys.

He opens the door and smiles at the guest, which instantly turns yo a frown.
"Y- Whah!"

The front door slams shut and Merlin looks over to the empty spot.
His dog ears pick up sounds of struggle and in that moment, Merlin is a barking Symphony.
He dashes to the smaller vampire and barks. Bark bark bark yap yap.

"Hm? Where's Eren? WHO WAS IT!?" when Levi gets no answer his face falls. "Fuck!"
He wooshes to the door and pushes it open running outside. "EREN!?"

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