Chapter 27: Guilty As Charged

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Eren stares horrified at Levi's state. This kills him more than death, the fact that someone he cares about, someone who he loves, could end up being killed once more. Silent tears roll down his cheek. He wipes them away, now feeling angry, and takes Petra away,  along with Adain who takes Levi.

Levi sits there in pain grunting and whimpering from time to time but mostly thinking about how he so stupidly let his guard down for Eren. Petra on the other hand bawls her eyes out and yells at Levi the whole time.

"I'm taking them back." Adain declares.

"No! Don't! "

"Eren. I have no choice. They're bad. They're not what you think they are, alright? They are vampires. And they are evil."

Eren shakes his head, his tears now accompanied by sobs. His heart feels like it's being pulverised. He's hurt, but more than anything he's disappointed. Disappointed in Levi. For becoming the bad guy.

Levi stares at Eren, then Adian, then Eren with pain filled eyes.

"I have a celler where I'll keep them locked up uunderstand?" Adian glares at Levi. "We'll starve them so they don't have the energy to break out. While they're in there I don't want you to touch him. Flirt with him. Say lovey dovey things or any of that bullshit." Adian explains to Eren. "He's the enemy. And you will treat him like such."

Levi thinks over Adain's words to Eren.  'This is what I get for playing the bad guy... I just never thought I'd drag him into it... I'm sorry, Eren I didn't mean to hurt you...'  Levi thinks before forcing iut a sinister chuckle. "Lovey dovey? You really think I ever loved you? Tch. Please it was all an act from the beginning," Levi lies through his teeth and looks away from Eren not making eye contact while he says this.
How can he? He doesnt want to see Eren's face when he breaks his heart.

There's a long silence between the four of them. It becomes so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. Adain looks to Eren watching very closely, and so does Petra, her being shocked with Levi's words, and for the first time, feeling her own heart break at the twisted expression Eren makes. He's biting his tongue. His eyes are wide and you can see the hurt and pain flash across his eyes. Glass. That's how easy Eren's heart is to break and it broke as easy as thin ice. Levi has stomped all over the thin slab and smashed him to pieces only to have him sink down to the bottom of the lake and melt away.

"Lad... say something." Adain nudges Eren, but the boy remains mute.

Levi feels sick. What has he done? He's broken the person that cared most for him's heart. But it had to be done. If Eren was associated with the vampire that was killing witches, he would make a lot of powerful enemies. Fast. Levi doesn't want Eren to be caught between sides. He can't be with Levi in the end anyway, and so Levi is letting him go. For the better of both of them. Levi is no good.

"I'll take em from here... you go get some rest, A'ight?" Adian takes petra from Eren and takes the two vampires into the bar and into the cellar. A dark cage with a huge metal door is what he throws the two vamps into before pulling the bags off and shutting the door.

Left in the small room, Petra turns to Levi and growls at him.
"You're just a heart breaker, aren't you?!"
She feels for Eren. Before she was turned, she also loved Levi. She can sympathise with Eren.

"Yeah. Apparently," Levi spits pretending not to be effected.

"I can't believe you!" Petra hisses. "You... you're just a sadistic bastard, toying with people's feelings because you can. Disgusting asshole."  She hugs her legs as she mutters incoherent things about Levi. She's disgusted.

"It's not about toying with his feelings.  It's about me screwing up. I'm only trapping him by telling him I love him alright, Petra!? He's just a fucking KID! We would never work out anyway. I'd rather have him torture me than tell me he loves me and be forced into a sticky situation where he has to be torn apart!" He huffs. "Fucking woman. You're so annoying."

"This was your own fucking fault that could of easily been avoided." She retorts. "But someone had jealousy issues and decided to steal from a witch."

"Yeah well I can't turn back time, can I?"

"Nope. I'm not sure you would deserve a second chance anyway."

"I know that,  you don't have to point it out! Gees, why do you even care I thought you hated Eren!"

"I did. But after seeing that poor boys heart ripped to pieces... You may as well have killed him!" Petra scolds.

"Look I know I'm the bad guy. I took on being the bad guy. I can't stop now. So there's really no point you trying to tell me off like a spoilt child. Is there?" Levi sasses and glares before laying up against a wall. "Ugh. I'm starving. "

"You're not the only one." Petra sighs, glancing around the small room. It's going to be a loooooooonng night.


"Eren go give the prisoners their daily dose of blood. They'll die without it." Adian passes Eren two cups. The boy has been crying all night and is now sluggish and dull.

"Yeah... yeah okay..." Eren says blankly, and blindly, almost like he's a mindless zombie, obeys Adain's order.
He steps through the prisoners door and shuts it behind him.

Levi stretches. "Mmm breakfast?" He licks his lips. "Finally. Oi petra," he shoves her and she wakes.

"Yeah..." Eren sucks in a pained exhale and then drops the cups of blood onto the floor. "Breakfast. Lick it up." Eren spits, venom lacing his voice. He's being hateful to hide the pain in his heart.
He then turns to exit.

Levi sighs. "Goodbye, Beautiful," he mumbles under his breath then takes the cup of blood and drinks it down.
The door slams shut with a loud bang and Eren leans against the door with long heavy breaths. His heart is pounding out of his chest. His grip slips off the handle and his body slides downwards onto the ground. Crouched. His arms hug his legs, before his inner sadness breaks out again and he erupts into violent sobs, heard through the door to the two vampires.

"Ah gees..." Levi covers his face with guilt. Petra watches Levi but says nothing.

"Aye... Come on lad and have some tea, hmm?" Adain picks the depressed boy up and takes him away.

Levi stands up next to the door and stands on his tip toes to see out the little hole in the wall with a slide that's open. He watches Eren be carted away with a sigh.

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