Chapter 26: I Have To Be The Bad guy

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"These fucking bitches," Levi mutters setting another bomb. "Let's go."

Petra follows Levi and they take cover behind a distant building until a loud explosion is heard and the sky is filled with vibrant colours.

"Again? I think we should stop this... isn't this extreme?" Petra asks. She's getting bored of these explosions and Levi is clearly not thinking straight anymore.

"No. Why should we!? We're the only onces fighting for this! All the vampire's with morals are weak! They get captured by those sick bitches! And the strong of us are evil and greedy! The witches think we are scum... we didn't choose to be scum did we? We have a right to live... and I'm going to fight for it. This is war Petra.  Not a game." he stares at her.

"I... I understand that... but to be fair, you're the one who stole from a witch in the first place... and... it's only one witch that is after you. Why all the others? They haven't done anything wrong." Petra points out.

"Not true. Not true at all. If one is after me they are all out for me. I used to have a friend called Isabel. I don't think I've told you about her. She was kidapped and tortured by witches. It's weird actually. They think they're so human. Then they go killing us off for not being human after they bring pain and unimaginable suffering. I'll show them monster. " Levi growls. "Come. We're heading for the next house. Our species don't and never will mix, Petra. There's no point trying to achieve peace. We kill them mindlessly and they kill us mindlessly. It's always been this way. Always. Believe me. For 300 years I've seen it."

"And in those years Vampires and humans never mixed. Yet you and Eren did?" Petra brings up the subject of Eren. If she does so, there's a small hope that Levi might listen and they can go back to traveling.

"Yeah... Eren and I did mix.. so what!?" He snaps at Petra getting quite annoyed at being reminded of the boy he loves. Even though he was already on his mind.
At being snapped at Petra closes her mouth and stays silent. Her eyes flicker at Levi but she says nothing more. She said what she wanted. She's not going to make Levi angrier any more than he is.

"I used to try and reach out to humans and hunters. Even tried it with a witch once... that didn't work. Since then I've realised that the world doesn't turn for peace. It turns for chaos. The only way to fight for our own rights is through war. Then maybe one day vampires and witches will both see that there is innocent vampires. Innocent witches. Unfortunately the only way to do that is by killing the innocent. I have to become a bad guy." Levi shrugs simply. "No more talk. Let's go." He walks off and Petra follows to a big green house.


"Shhh..." Adian hushes the air. The two are on a stake out watching a green house where they believe he vampires Will strike next.. and as planned. Two hooded characters dressed as modern teens with converses black hoodies and jeans dash to a tree near by and hide there. Adian and Eren can see them.

"... get the one that runs," Adian whispers to Eren and points a crossbow with stakes in it at the back of one before firing it. The stake zips quickly through the air towards the back of the vampire before-


Levi turns and grabs the stake before it hits him and he stares at it



"Hunters. RUN!" he barks.
And Petra wooshes.

Levi being very old is very quick. Quick enough to catch a stake and dodge a bullet.

"FUCK!" Eren curses,  immediately going after the quick vampire that's on the loose.
Adain bolts off towards the slower one and the two chase down their vampires.

"Stupid vampire... grr!" Eren growls and picks up speed but the vampire still is in front of him by a long shot. That's when he takes a vervain grenade and throws it with incredible strength. Levi hears it and Jumps up onto a roof, his arms, legs, feet and most of his face covered so he avoids the granade without a burn.
"Ha," he pants and then pauses when he smells something in the air... something Ereny something- 'oh no..' Levi glances down to his lover who holds a wooden bullet gun pointing at the creature on the roof.

'Good bye, creature of the night' Eren narrows his eyes at the creature that he can't recognise as Levi. He shoots, but misses due to a quick dodge from the vampire.
"Fucking- stay still!" Eren growls, shooting multiple bullets.

He shoots and shoots and shoots while the speedy thing moves quickly on the roof before taking off its hood and jumping off the with a neat backflip, landing infront of Eren.
"... Eren," he stares stoicly at him. His grey eyes full of emotion. What emotion is unclear.

Blink. Lots of blinks.
"" Eren breathes taking a step backwards.
'Levi's the culprit... he's the one. He did it all... Cake. ADAIN!'

"Tell me! Tell me you aren't the one blowing up the buildings!" Eren shouts gripping Levi's shoulders and shaking him desperately.
Eren is in panic.

"... i see you're on the team that is... after me... Huh?..." the vampire glances away before his gaze shifts back to Eren's green eyes. "Are you going to kill me?" He blinks.

Eren shakes his head and pulls Levi into a tight hug."Tell me..." Eren sniffs. "It's not you...not you... no. No you wouldn't do this! You wouldn't! "

"Someone has to," Levi sighs heavily and gives Eren a quick hug back. "I'm sorry that I'm the bad guy..." he whispers. "If I hadn't put myself into this shitty situation then I probably wouldn't be doing this... I know it's wrong but it needs to be done. I really do love you Eren. But...We would never work out anyway. You'd outgrow me. We have no future. You're just wasting your life on a no good scoundril. I'm sorry." Levi breaks the hug.
"It was me that blew up those witches... all of them." his eyes suddenly narrow "and I plan to blow up even more-
WHAAAAAA!!!!" Levi screams as a wooden stake is plunged through his back. Not his heart but his back narrowly missing his heart.  The vamp coughs and splutters as another one is shoved into him. Until there is four stakes in him. Draining his energy

"Disgusting creature," Adian spits with Petra tied up in a sack that's drenched in vervain. A cloth with the same on it tied around her mouth, burning her skin and her hands and legs bound. Stakes through her too. This is how Adian takes prisoners.

"Eren, your boyfriend is scum. Just like the rest of them. You take her." he nods to Petra. "I'll take him." he grabs Levi by the throat and tips vervain on him draining his energy and making Levi shriek and cringe. "Good job, lad," adian says sadly. "Let's take them home. "

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