Chapter 5: Fine

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Disclaimer! Smut is ahead.

"You jerk! You had me so fucking worried last night!" Armin yells at Eren, waking the boy from his needed slumber. The brunette groans before opening his eyes to look at Armin.

"Mmm Goodmorning."

"Good mornings?! It's one in the afternoon! You completely missed work!"

"FUCK! REALLY? !... am I fired?"

 Armin stares at Eren. "No You're not fired. I told the boss you're sick and your phone isnt working. You better call him as soon as Possible, Eren... AND NO MORE SLACKING OFF!" the coconut yells.

 "YES YES I'M SORRY YES SIR!" Eren saluts, hopping out of bed and calling his boss quickly.

"Phew. Close one. Okay. I got a new shift tonight... double hours to make up for it. Hoh man..." Eren slouches and slumps on the couch as Armin makes his way over to sit beside him.

"I tried to find you last night. What happened?" Armin asks his friend. Said friend sighs heavily and almost rolls his eyes to the back of his head.

"... Vampires."

 "... Eren-" Armin starts but is cut off by his friend.

 "They trapped me, Armin. They cornered me and one bastard sunk his teeth into my neck...ARGH I WAS PLAYED WITH AGAIN THAT PRICK!!"

 "... What did he say?" Armin whispers looking a little scared.

 "Umm..." Eren hums in thought. "He said he was going to kill me, the little bastard. That's not the worst part.  He said he wasn't going to let me go to waste. That he was going to eat me all up... after he made me fall in love with him. Tch...gross." Eren shudders remembering that part.

 Armin blinks a couple of times. "In love with him?... why?"

 Eren shrugs. "Who knows why. Because he's a sick bastard? Maybe because if I do fall in love with him, to have him kill me would be something of a tragic love story,  huh?"

 Armin just blinks again then nods his head.  "Don't fall in love with him, Eren."

 "Who do you think I am?! I hate them, Armin! I won't fall in love with him. I can promise that whole heartedly." Eren huffs standing up again and deciding to make himself some toast.
"I've got a busy night of work... 6 until 3"

 "Goodluck" Armin sighs.


Work. Eren's job is pretty simple. He works at a supermarket that's usually open 24/7. However, on this particular night, they had to close early. Eren was told to quickly tidy up some shelves while they closed the place down. Some technical issues were happening that hadn't happened before. Some employees went home early due to it, and Eren was one staying behind along with a few other workers. One being Sasha Brause.
All was well.
All was fine.
Until the power suddenly cuts out.

"Ah, shoot" Sasha whines. "I'm scared of the dark..."

Eren sighs and pats the girls head. The two are close friends so simple touches like these were allowed, showing just how close they were.

"I'll go check the box outside, okay? Just keep neatening those cans."

Sasha nods and Eren leaves for outside at the back of the place.

'If the power is off the meat will be next... why now in such a place like this?'
Eren thinks it over his head as he opens the doors and then bumps into a short dark figure.

 "Hey, stranger" says Levi Ackerman stepping out of the gloom.

Eren takes a step back and goes to run back in but Petra stands there looking at her nails with a small smirk.

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