Chapter 29: Starvation Is A Cruel Thing

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Day 11

"III've got a lovely bunch of coconuttts! AHAHA!" Levi laughs hysterically. All he can see is the same walls. Feel the same pain. Starving. Going nuts slowlyyyy but surely.

".... He's lost it." Petra mumbles but is immediately silenced when Cake starts making her experience the same Pain Levi is feeling.

"Ugh. This is becoming boring already... now what would really hurt you..." Cake thinks for a second before clicking her fingers. "Ah! Be right back." She leaves.

"Bitch." Levi suddenly resumes his normalness. Levi is a confusing character. All they can think about is what Cake might have in store.

Cake wanders around the small bar until he finds the person he's looking for.
"Ah! Eren. Where's uncle Adain? "

Eren shrugs with a sigh. "He went out I think."

"Good! Follow me please. "


"You know I bet she's probably got something wooden... or covered in vervain. Seems to be a pattern." Levi says gesturing to his hands that are nailed with a wooden bullet being used as a nail. "Possible. Definitely possible. Is she coming to take these out, or what?"

The door opens door opens and Eren gets pushed in. "Wha- hey- oof!" He lands with a thud on the ground.

Cake stands in the doorway. "I usually don't do things like this, but I've decided that it's more fun this way. You vampires will starve, and the only way for you to feed will be from Eren. Hmm? Sound good?"

"Feed from Eren? What the fuck did Eren do to you!?" Levi snaps at the woman suddenly getting angry.

"Nothing." she shrugs nonchalantly. "Nothing much. this will be exciting! Oh! They will all be so happy! Yay!" Cake claps her hands and then exits the room, closing and locking the door behind her.

"... ah fuck." Levi says staring at Eren. "How long till Adian gets back?" Levi asks.

"I... don't know." Eren says curling up and backing away from both of them into the farthest corner.

"...shit... hey Petra?" Levi glances to the redhead girl.

"What is it?" She asks with a sigh.

"I forbid you to eat Eren. No matter how hungry you get don't touch him." Levi commands crossing his arms.

"Yes, Levi, I swear I won't touch him." She promises, holding up a hand as if taking an oath. Both vampires attentions are put on Eren when he scoffs.

"What do you care?!" Eren spits. "I'm nothing but food to you anyway."

"Oh yeah, food. I'm nothing but your hunting target. huh? That's why you put some of your blood in my cup."

"I still love you. I can't escape that." Eren confesses with a bitter tone.

"Yeah well..." Levi pauses and looks away. "You know what, never mind. I'm going to go to sleep... I'm starving and you smell fucking delicious. If I wake up snap my neck or something. Petra. Don't let me attack Eren."

Levi then lays down.

Petra nods and Eren stays bunched up in his corner. The rest of the day and night goes silent. The worst part for Eren is that there was no Adain to come let him out.

Levi wakes once more after almost 24 hours of sleeping. He lays on the ground staring at Eren with red eyes saying nothing. Petra also lays still staring at Eren. They are both hungry. The boy lays still on the ground, glancing to them in fear, shivering from the cold and starving as well. Thirsty.

"This is going to happen right?" Levi doesn't even blink as ge speaks and his bright red gaze is fixed on Eren. "We're going to kill you... I can feel it... she knows we can't handle our instincts when it comes to starvation... she hasn't even brought us rations..."

Eren swallows a lump and clenches his eyes tightly when his stomach begins growling. "...I-if you have to... Then do it. I don't care anymore." He says hoarsely.

"You see Petra, this is what I was talking about." Levi mutters. "There's no right or wrong side, we're both as filthy, dirty and bad as eachother... and now I'm looking at Eren. All I can see is his flesh... all I can hear is his beating heart and all I can smell is his blood... he even just gave me permission to kill him yet I still have the voice inside me saying no... how long will I be able to keep this up... tick tock tick tock... the teasing will stop. The blood will spill and then I will suffer more than I am now. I must keep my sanity." Everything said comes out as a mutter from the staring vampire's lips.

"Ugh, just kill me already!" Eren screeches at Levi. His body is weak and he is defenceless. He is pretty much on a gold platter, ready to be eaten. "Just give in to your temptations..."

Levi doesn't move from the creepy staring position he's in. "I can't... I won't stop."

"You'll die if you don't. Both of you will." Eren breathes out, turning so he's laying on his back staring at the cieling. "Kill me... And Live... Maybe I can reunite with my mum..."

"Let's turn him, Levi." Petra suggests but Levi snaps his head round.

"Not on your death!" Levi growls. "Eren. Come here." His head turns back to the human.

Eren glances towards Levi. 'This is it.' he thinks before shuffling weakly towards the vampire he still loves. He stops when he's in front of Levi, and he stares into the red eyes that glow with hunger.

"Fuck... this is so hard b-but I..." He sighs and takes Eren's arm up before cutting it with his teeth and getting two of the cups, using Eren like a tap to fill them. "It had to happen before I ripped your head off."

The blood runs and fills the cups up. Petra's nostrils flare up at the scent of fresh blood and her mouth waters with the overwhelming scent.
Eren winces at the stinging from his arm. It burns and hurts, but the two take their fill. They drink. Quenching themselves. Yet, that still leaves Eren who is starving also. There isn't much they can do. He lays still on the ground in front of Levi, shivering as the left over blood they didn't take from his arm leaks onto the concrete floor. Levi picks up the boy in his arms, not really caring what either of them say. He hugs him tightly after drinking his fill. Laying against the wall, back hugging Eren into his chest.

He doesn't move, the boy stays still. His stomach growls again making Eren whimper like a pup. He's cold, and Levi's body temperature isn't at all helping him.
Between the three of them, Eren is still the warmest.

"Im sorry..." Levi whispers, but that's all. He simply whispers an apology and resumes hugging Eren. His body having no heat but it's better than nothing.

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