Chapter 30: Farewell, My Love

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Another day goes by. The vampire's again drink from Eren with the boys consent. But now Eren looks worse. Terrible even. His skin has lost its nice tanned complexion. He can feel his stomach killing him from the inside and the cold temperatures have caused the boy to fall sick and ill. He has a cold. Adain still hasn't shown up.

"We have to get out of here before we drink him dry..." Levi sighs.

"Oh yeah? How genius? We're lucky he isn't dead already." Petra grumbles. She's about ready for a third helping of Eren's delicious blood. She feels bad, but she's hungry. At least they can actually have something to eat. Eren has had nothing.

"I have an idea but none of us are going to like it." Levi pipes up.

"And what would that be?" Petra asks.

"I'm the strongest here right?... if we keep only taking enough ti keep us alive we'll kill Eren and never get out... I need to drink enough of his blood to get my strength back... so I can break us out of here..."

"Break us out?" Petra blinks processing it. "The boy already looks like he's drained. Are you even sure about this? I mean... Look at him." She gestures to the frail boy who looks utterly defeated. Frail and delicate and almost as white as Petra and Levi.

"What else can we do? Lay here and die?"

"He seems up for it." Petra rolls her eyes and and sighs hitting her head against the brick wall. "Alright. If Eren's okay with it then sure."

"Eren? Will you let me?" Levi's red eyes look desperately over at the teen.


"Eren?" Petra calls for the boy.

He coughs and sneezes a couple of times before nodding slowly. "D...Do what you ah... Have"

Levi nods and quickly pulls Eren into him back hugging him agaim before whospering in his ear. "... I still love you... I never stopped. I'm sorry for making you think I didn't." He breaths on Eren's neck then sinks his teeth into his shoulder.

"NG!!" Because of Eren's poor health, his skin has become tight, and Levi just pierced through it making it hurt a lot more than previous times. Eren's jaw opens and closes as he feels himself lose blood, being transferred into Levi's body.
Small sparkly salt water drops flood out of Eren's eyes. Not because of the pain, but because of what Levi had told him.

Levi sucks on Eren's neck feeling compelled to keep going. To keep sucking the blood out of Eren. He sucks. And sucks. And sucks. And sucks until Eren can barely move. Then Levi stands up feeling stronger. He left enough blood in Eren to keep him alive but he can tell by the taste that Eren is sick. He looks at the door and punches it, Hard. Which causes a massive dint. But that's it
"... We can't get through there... I have an idea." Levi hums and kicks the door again and again. He's panting. The door is heavy and thick. But Levi puts everything into breaking it in.

Petra watches Levi kick the door, desperately clawing at freedom. But then her eyes lock on Eren who is lying there with small traces of blood on his shoulder and neck. She's hungry. Starving. Eren reeks of flesh blood that she wants and needs.
She begins slowly crawling over to him, feeling too compelled by the temptation.

Levi doesn't notice unfortunately. He just bashes loudly.

Petra slowly lifts Eren up so he's resting in her lap. A measly cough comes from the boy. He warily stares up at the girl.
"Pe....Tra?" The boy questions before once again he has a set of fangs in his neck. A loud grunt echos in the room.

Levi stops kicking the door and kicks Petra in the face making her detach her fangs. Then Levi picks up Eren. "I Said DON'T EAT HIM! HE'S GOING TO DIE IF YOU TAKE ANYMORE!" Levi yells then places Eren down in his range of sight before charging at the door. Backflipping in the air and kangeroo kicking the door.

Blood leaks from Eren. He feels colder... Lighter. Dizzier.
The door swings open to reveal someone standing in front of it. Crossed arms, a sly smirk. Male, judging by his manly features. Oh, and another thing. A vampire. Eren's father.

"Hello, Levi? I presume?" He asks the shorter.

"...yeah and who the fuck might you be?" Levi responds with a wipe of his brow.

"That doesn't matter. I'm only here to see if you have earned your freedom yet."


"mm. Is he alive still?" The vampire asks pushing Levi back and taking a step into the room.
He glances at Petra who has a trail of blood leaking from her mouth. The scent of blood is fresh. He can taste it in the air and it fills him with delight. Until he feasts his eyes on the mangled body that still breaths and blinks up at him.

"I see you have not." The new vampire grunts disappointed. "No matter." The vampire shrugs and slings the weak boy over his shoulders. " I guess I'll have to do it."

"OI DON'T YOU TOUCH HIM! HE'S MINE!" Levi snarls and grabs onto the man with an incredible grip.

"Excuse me? You have no right to talk to me like that. For the record, he's mine." the stranger scowls at Levi and shoves him off.

"You think I Care about that right AFTER BEING LOCKED UP?! NOT LIKELY PUNK!" Levi yells. Being over 200 years older than Eren's father means that even when he's quite weak Levi is incredibly strong against Grisha. They're around an even match at the moment.
"GIVE. HIM. BACK!" Levi looses it. His eyes are red. He's hungry. He wants freedom. He latches onto Grisha and sinks his teeth into him. Ripping a chunk out of his shoulder like a savage animal that hasn't been fed in weeks.

"GRRR YOU FUCKING IMBECILE!" Grisha yells pushing him off and countering Levi with flesh ripping bites and scratches of his own. Their strength is quite compatible right now. It's anyone's game. Petra stares in shock, and Eren who had been dropped to the floor also watches worriedly.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU AND WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH EREN!? ANSWER ME OR I'LL FUCKING TEAR YOUR HEAD OFF!!!" Levi screams in a hostile manner. He ain't fucking around. It's in that moment Eren knows he was telling the truth about living him the whole time. Although it hurts, the boy wants to do something to help. He hesitantly grabs onto the door handle and tries to pull himself up.

"I'M HIS FATHER!" Grisha yells punching Levi hard in the jaw. "AND WHAT I WANT WITH HIM IS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU!"

"HHRRAHH!" Levi yells grabbing Grisha's face and clawing at his eyes trying to scoop them out to temporally blind him. He succeeds and the man growls angrily flinging Levi off of him and charging in what he believes to be the direction of Levi. It's Petra's direction and the girl moves out of The way. Levi goes back to attacking and the vampires viciously swipe at one another.

Eren uses his little strength. He can't quite get himself up. He glances to Petra who's eyes are fixated on the brawl.
He grunts and tries again, managing to get up, but his head spinning causes him to stumble. He can't see straight, but nonetheless he goes and tries to help. He doesn't know how, he can't think straight. Nor walk. But he walks to them. Both vampires look up pausing their fight briefly at Eren who's wobbling and doing his best to stay on his feet.


The boy is cut short as a knife suddenly pierces through is chest from behind.

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