Chapter 44: Second Chances

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"Ugh" Levi responds with a grown. His face instantly falling at the mention of his uncle. "Kenny is an asshole. And a murderous feind. When i was nine years old he killed my mother... well he may as well have done. A gang terrorised our house when i was ten years old.  We were hostages for long time. She would tell me 'stay brave, Levi' and 'it's okay I'm here' and all that motherly stuff y'know? She kept me safe from them and they would beat her for it. Eventually i was doing the same for her. Though she would yell at me for it... after about two weeks starving, cold, bruised and miserable they took my mother and they put a gun to her head. Thats when i noticed my fucking uncle Kenny. Standing in the corner watching her! He stood there wearing the gangs colours and watched her get shot! I remember screaming at him to do something and he just said 'quiet brat. I dont know you'.  She died infront of my eyes then he decides to act. He rebells against the gang to help me escape but that's it. I ran off without the usless bastard. I thought and hoped he got shot in there too. With mum. And so i hate him. Plus he makes a fucking mess" Levi flops down on Eren's chest and groans loudly.

"I... I see..." Eren bites his lip as he thinks about what Levi had told him.
He then flips them over so he's on top.
"But... that was 300 years ago, wasn't it? More? Your uncle might have changed since then."

"He hasn't changed. He's still controlling. Still shitty. An ass and just. I know he hasn't. I don't doubt that for a second. Before he betrayed us both he was like a father to me. I never knew my father and so Kenny was who I grew up looking up to. After that I relied only on my self until i met Isabel and Farlan. He didn't even tell me he was alive... Why would he do that to mum? No. I refuse to believe any man that can sleep well with that on his shoulders isn't a monster. My mother was beautiful and kind. She was strong but funny and loving. Most of all loving. I'll never forget what he did to my family and I'll never forgive it either."

Eren sighs and cups Levi's cheek.
"He's your family... what he did may have been wrong... but isn't it something that he got you out of there?"

"Not to me" Levi simply replys. "Besides. What right has he got coming here after two hundred and ninety years of not seeing him and telling me dating you is wrong. You're my boyfriend and I've been ten times the danger to you then you have me."

"Well... he... he never said that it was wrong to date me... more made fun of it a little but..."

"Ugh. Why are you defending him!?" Levi snaps looking away annoyed. He is steamy about Kenny. And it's probably because for all these years he's only felt hatred for his uncle. A hatred that is now fixed into his heart that he doesn't seem to want to let go of.

"Because... you still have family alive and well. Someone who is trying to reconnect with you. And not trying to kill you." Eren says using his own personal thoughts and feelings about his father to sway Levi.

Levi stares at Eren then groans and sits up pushing Eren back and drinking the blood before slitting his own wrist open and holding it out to Eren. "I can't help it. He's natrually dickish."

Eren shuffles closer and licks up his blood. "Just try." He says before putting his lips against the wound and sucking up his breakfast. "He's trying to become a part of your life again. He wants to be around for his nephew and only family left." He cotinues while lapping it up.
"It wouldn't hurt you to try and do the same."

"Hmm" Levi sighs and kisses Eren's head.  "fine. But I'm not going to be happy about it. I won't forgive him till I know for sure he's sorry. I'm not interested in being betrayed again" he watches Eren suck on his skin. "Teeth. Just don't vexamine me again" Levi sighs and stares at a painting he has on the wall. A painting his mother painted. He sees that painting before he goes to bed each night. Maybe that's why he hasn't forgotten. He thinks about his mother constantly.

Eren sticks his teeth into Levi's skin. He then tries to numb his bite and he feels his fangs go cold meaning he's doing it right and he looks over to soothe the Bite as he feasts. Then he pulls away wiping his mouth, a much cleaner finish than normal. He proceeds to lick Levi's skin.
After he's done he kisses Levi's nose and cheek before settling on his lips.
"You don't have to like it. But I want you to try." He says before cuddling Levi.

"Yeah yeah... good job by the way. You managed to not poison me with sexual vampire hormones" Levi ruffles Eren's hair and sighs.

Eren smiles his appreciation of the praise.
"Thank you. I figured out the difference." Eren says. He reers backwards away from Levi and then picks the small man up. "Come on. Go spend some time with your uncle."

"Now?" Levi groans in annoyance. In all honesty He wants nothing to do with the man. But it can't be helped.
"Not right now..." Levi pouts in reluctance.

"Hey, hey no. Now." Eren sternly pushes.
"I'll drop you."

"You wouldn't..." Levi says narrowing his eyes. "... would you?" He asks unsure.

"I guess we'll have to find out." Eren slyly smirks before giving him a quick drop scare.

Levi lets out a shocked squeek gripping onto Eren then realises it was a jump scare and smacks Eren's chest. "Ass" he snaps and sighs. "fine. Now."

"Good boy." He says and rewards Levi with kisses to his lips and a small squeeze of his ass. "Go make Eren proud."
He puts Levi down on his feet and then comes close to his ear.
"If you make progress, I'll give you a reward," he whispers lowly, and then he pulls Levi into his groin to let him know what the reward is.
Suddenly he kisses his cheek and skips out of the room like nothing happened.

"... fucking brat" Levi mumbles blushing madly. Eren is pretty sexy sometimes and it makes Levi want to skip this whole thing and take him now. Unfortunately, he needs to talk to Kenny. So he dashes down the stairs quickly.

"KENNY!? ... err... i mean" Levi sighs and looks at the ground "... uncle?" He wanders into the living room and stands there alone until a pair of hands land on his shoulders making him turn in shock. Kenny is just as sneaky as Levi. Maybe even sneakier... maybe. "ha" Levi pants and faces the man.

"Called, brat?" Kenny questions while chugging down a bottle of burban before wiping the small droplets he missed onto his sleeve. The man has a particular odor about him. Shit. Shit, dirt, trash, body odor, he just stinks.

"God" Levi pushes him off gagging. "Yeah i called. I called because I hate you!.. but you're right about people deserving a second chance... so. If you can prove you deserve it. Maybe I'll give you one."

"Huh?" Kenny furrows his eyebrows together slightly confused, and then suddenly he clicks.
"Y...You'll give a second chance?!"

"Tch. I said maybe if you think- Ah!" Levi is suddenly pulled into a hug.

"Thank you! Haha! I won't screw up this time! Ackerman word! Haha! " Kenny squeezes his nephew tightly, happy that he gets another chance to be a part of Levi's family.
As Kenny is hugging Levi, Eren walks behind Kenny, but in front of the shorter male. Levi can see Eren, and Eren can see Levi.  He smirks a little at them hugging and winks at Levi before doing a little hip thrust action.
Reminding him of the reward, and hinting that he is proud of Levi.

Levi just sighs at the both of them "now get off me you reack of booze!" Levi snaps at kenny and shoves him off. "First things first. if you're going to live here without me wanting to KILL you. You need to know how to clean. Yourself. And the messes you make. And how to not make messes. Come on."

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