Chapter 46: Eat The Faceless Ones

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It's about twenty minutes later when Eren finally comes out of the laundry. Levi and Kenny aren't there. Infact they are in the lounge room. No yelling comes from there, only Levi's voice. Sounding oddly calm.
"You have to put the needle through the loop like this, see? And then repeat it."

"Like this?"

"Hmm... almost. Except... here look at mine.  Make the holes finer."

"Ah okay... liiike this?"

"Hmhm. Nope. You're shit."

"I'm not a woman."

"Neither am i."

"May as well be."

"Ah! You're just jealous because you can't knit."

Uncle and nephew sit on the couch knitting together. Levi is trying to teach Kenny a new skill. Eren peeks around the corner to see this.

'they're actually getting along...' Eren thinks in disbelief.
It warms his heart to see Levi and Kenny bonding like this. It's a sight he never thought he'd see.
He leans in the archway joining the lounge and the kitchen and grins widely at them.

"Having fun?" He asks the two.

"Hm?" Levi looks up at Eren. "where'd you go?"

"I was... Taking Merlin for another walk. He needed more outside time." Eren smoothly replies.

"Ah. Okay... come look" Levi says and taps the spot next to him for Eren to come sit with them.

He jumps onto the couch beside his lover and shuffles closer.
"Okay. What am I looking at?"

"I'm making a tea cosy. And Kenny is making a scarf" Levi explains. "Do you want to try and makes something?"

"I don't know how to knit... How do I make a beanie?" Eren grabs at some wool and pays with it a little and tries to knit with his fingers. He creates several knots in the wool.

"Tch. Not like that, here" Levi grabs some more kneedles and shows Eren. "Maybe try a scarf first too. It may be easier." Levi then looks back over at Kenny then back at Eren . Before pecking Eren on the cheek and leaning on his shoulder. Back against his side and resumes his tea cosy.

"Argh damn it! I fucked it up again." Kenny groans as his scarf now has something weird and funky going on. It looks like it's spilling its intestines out.

If a Scarf had intestines...

"...I don't think this is right either."
Eren says holding up his own masterpiece.

Let's face it. They're amateurs.

"Tch, losers" Levi says putting his feet up on Kenny's shoulder while leaning on Eren. He's in white socks, one of Eren's oversized gamer shirts and grey trackies. Basically pajamas. He makes himself quite comfortable there on the two.

"brat. Off. I'm not a stool" Kenny grumbles, trying to shove off Levi's feet. But Levi keeps his legs put, and eventually he gives up. "Want me to make us some dinner tonight? I promise it'll be good. I'll even get you some vamp blood, Eren." Kenny offers, trying to be civilised and helpful.

"Make dinner. You don't know how to cook" Levi shoves Kenny with his feet and the man grunts making Levi snort playfully.

"I know 'ow to kill though and that's what's inportant" Kenny points out.

"Eren can just drink from me. But if you're offering to hunt. I won't decline."

"I'd prefer him to drink from someone else." Kenny says. "I don't quite like the idea of him drinking from you."

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