Chapter 18: Mm Mm mm...

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"Ever since I was a young lad, Me dad 'as always tought me to slay them blood suckers. It's in the family really. Aye. I've killed my share. I own this bar to draw 'em in. They love alcohol, vampires. They use it to subside their cravings for our blood. I stirred in some vervain in that tea of yours. You know much 'bout hunting lad?"

Eren shakes his head.
"Well... I didn't know much. I never was a hunter. But someone I know thinks I might have hunter blood. They taught me everything about how to kill vampires. Taught me about Vervain water. How quick vampires can be and that in order to get a good hit I need to rely on smarts rather than speed."

"Indeed. You can't outrun a vampire no matter 'ow quick ye are, " Adian nods. "Ye 'ave potential in ya, Lad. Maybe I can take ye under me wing, eh?" He questions in his thick irish accent.

"Could you?!" Eren leaps up at the idea.
"Ahem... that is... if you wouldn't mind?"

Adain chuckles. "'Curse not. I'd be 'appy to," he nods. "Infact. Come with me and I'll show yeh my collection."

"Oooo!" The boy claps excitedly, finishing off his tea in a quick rush before Adain takes him to 'the collection'.

Adian smirks and pushes the back door to the store room open, though it's but a room full of shelves with alcohol. Stacked up. Packed to the rafters with nothing but... booze.

" that's a uh... lot of alcohol." Eren says.
'I don't understand...' he thinks to himself, observing the shelves.
'Is the alcohol the collection? '

"Damn right. This be a bar, Lad. We've gotta 'ave the stock, am I right?" He says playing with the bottles on the shelf.

"Yeah... yeah of course..."

'What happened to weapons and history of vamp hunters? Or are those just my expectations...? He never did specifiy...'

He runs a hand along a shelf and hums to himself in thought.

"Heh heh. Here's the sucker. " Adian smirks and twists the top of a bottle making a hole open in the base of it where the switch is hidden. He flicks the switch and the wall moves aside opening a secret room.

The boys doubts are soon erased as a now excited and startled expression takes over him. His insides feel all giddy with butterflies at being allowed to enter a reall actual vampire hunters lair.

"Welcome to the den, " Adain steps inside the room filled with weapons along the walls. A table with what looks like a grenade making station and old fashioned wooden bathtubs filled with water and a few herbs floating in it to soak. Vervain.

"Feel free to look around," Adian chuckles and puts his gun on the table and pulls out a bullet and places it on the table.
There are bullets, stakes, Wooden bullets, crossbows, grenades and many other things around the messy room. On the wall there is a tally where Adian picks up a hunting knife and scratches ten new marks into the bricks.

"Whoa..." Eren breathes looking around. Everything not entirely processing in his brain. The sight is glorious. For Eren it's like waking at Christmas and seeing a whole bunch of presents. He admires the weapons, the tools, the amount of effort into Adains 'den'. It's amazing.

A particular thing catches Eren's eye, and that's the open photo book on a back table. He walks over and peers at it with curious eyes before gasping slightly.

"That's my mother..." he utters pointing to a picture of his mummy dearest standing next to Adain.

"Your mother, Eh? Carla Jaeger?... excellent huntress. I s'pose that's where you get it from, Lad. I thought you might be her son. You look just like her. Fine woman. Shame what happened to her... she was my partner before she retired to settle down and make a family."

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