Chapter 42: PSYCHO

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Merlin follows behind Levi still barking like mad. The dog goes silent and then begins yapping once more, running the direction where Eren's scent still lingers. He's running after a truck that zooms away. Adain's truck.

"Merlin. Stay" Levi pushes the puppy inside and locks the door before zooming off after Eren.

"Long time no see, Eren." Cake frowns, staring at the boy as she drives.


"Nope.  You're my bait."


"I want to kill Levi. And that's what I'll do." She glares at the road and smirks when a loud bang is heared on the back of the car. Of a vampire smashing his fist into the vehicle.

"Fuck! LEVI! IF YOU CAN HEAR ME, STAY AWAY!" Eren screams, struggling in his binds. He thrashes about violently, his vampiric  strength causing the seat to almost break from its place.

A liquid coats Eren's body and the boy screams out as his skin sizzles and burns from the vervain.

"Shut up." Cake scowls, pressing the accelerator.

"... EREN!" Levi jumps ontop of the van and punches a hand through it with a growl.

"Woops! Looks like we have a visitor." Cake smirks looking at the hand that has penetrated the car. "Be a dear, Eren and make some more noise?"

Cake jams a wooden stick through Eren's hand, nailing him down to his seat.

And the boy does as cake wants.

Screaming more in order to lure the angry vamp in the truck to break through.

"EREN HANG ON!" Levi peals back a large peice of metal off the car roof and glares down at cake theough red eyes. "YOU!!!!"

"Hey, darlin'" Cake smirks and her magic instantly works to immobilize Levi.

"NNNGSH!" Levi glares at cake before she throws a spell at him that makes him scream out in pain. "AarrGHHH!!! LET HIM GO! LET HIM G-GO!" Levi starts crying because of pain and cake pulls over.

She sighs and watches Levi struggle. He falls through the roof and lands in the back seat screaming.

Eren streams tears down his face listening to Levi's tortured voice.

"S-stop it." Eren sobs. Cake ignores him and prowls upon Levi.

"STOP!" Eren yells moving around, causing more pain from his hand that's stuck to the seat.

"Yeah right." Cake smirks heaving a sinister giggle. She sits on top of Levi as he wriggles beneath her.
"This may hurt a bit..." She says and places a finger in the middle of his forehead.
"Or alot."

The witch's magic pours through her finger, pulsing agonising pain through to Levi's body.

"ARRRRRRGGGHH!!!" the vampire shrieks and pushes against her. Throwing her into the wall of the van and sobbing in pain  "SICK BITCH!" Levi screams. Weak from the torture though he quickly makes his way to Eren and rips the stake from his hand.

"ARGH!" Eren wails from the wood leaving, blood spilling out from the hole.
"Ah! Fuck! Levi, h-hurry" Eren grunts in pain.
They both attempt to leave the vehicle, when a force painful to the vampires cause them to crumble and trip.
Cake isn't letting them go anywhere.

"Ah! Crazy fucking woman!"

The witch snarls and Levi falls next to Eren. "I love you" he squeezes his hand tightly then lets go and walks towards the witch.

"N-no! Levi get away from her!" Eren calls trying to stand back up. He clings onto Levi's hand and pulls him back, but Levi is ripped right out of his grasp.
"Don't go!" Eren cries.
Cake pins Levi down and raises a stake high above Levi.


The stake comes down.
Piercing Levi's chest...

In that instant, everything falls silent.
Eren's eyes widen as he watches the wooden weapon ease into his lovers body.
"Y-you..." Eren's bottom lip quivers and he sits up, slipping a few times.
Levi stays eerily still.
Eren can't hear anything over the loud beating of his heart.

Eren picks up Cake by the scruff of her shirt and he slams her onto the tar road with a heavy bone shattering smack.

"GET OFF!" she yells but Eren breaks her wrists. Making her howl in pain.

"EREN!" Levi sits up with a gasp and a cough and pulls the stake out
"K-kill her."

Eren simply growls, his eyes red with rage. He grabs the broken hands and slips off the regeneration ring she had on last time and throws it away into the side brush.
"I'M GOING TO RIP OUT YOUR HEART, JUST LIKE YOU DID TO ME!" Eren yells in her face, and his hand punctures her chest.
The girl screams in agony.
She fights to her last breath, struggling and kicking, but only making the pain worse.
She begins mumbling through her screams, but Eren pays no mind to her.
Her heart is ripped out as Eren had said and with her death, falls a bucket of vervain onto his head. The witches last attempts of survival.

Eren screeches as he's drenched in the poison and he rolls off the dead witch gasping thrashing around as his skin sizzles.

"Eren!" Levi grabs him and pulls off his shirt trying to dry off the vervain off his boyfriend while his own hands sizzle and burn at touching it.
Levi pulls off his own shirt to help dry it off. Come on, baby he coughs and helps eren to cakes car. "hang in there we need to get home."

"A-are you okay?" Eren asks with a small hiss of pain. Even though his body is burning from the acid substance, his heart and mind only cares about seeing Levi safe. The vampire still has a hole in his chest that came close to his heart. Eren for a brief moment had thought his boyfriend was dead. And to see him up and helping him is a relief, yet he still worries.

"I'm fine" levi helps Eren into the van and gets in the drivers seat before starting it up and turning back for home.
"Merlins worried for you" Levi sighs sadly and stops the gross old van out front before opening the door for him. "Better go have a quick shower."

"You too... you need one to clear the blood off." Eren breaths out in short panty puffs.
The young vamps limbs shake from the pan. He takes a step out and hunches over, trying to push the pain to the back of my mind. But his body is covered in the awful stuff, making forgetting about it very difficult.

The door is opened and Merlin barks up at Eren, even more so as he sees the sight his master has befallen. He licks at Eren's legs to try and comfort him, and then he sees Levi and does very much the same to him.

"It's alright, Merlin. We're fine, boy." Eren grunts, making his way towards the showers.

Levi rubs his lovers back and the two make their way to the bathroom where Levi runs a bath in the big ass bath. While Eren takes a quick shower to wash off the vervain. He rinses and then the two slide into the warm bath together.

"ahh... What a day." Eren sighs, moving around in the bath until he's on top of Levi, snuggling into him.

Levi cuddles Eren tightly. "Why doesn't the universe want us to be happy together" he sighs and plays with Eren's hair frowning then kissing his forehead.  "Feeling better, Darling?"

"yes, much better. Now that I know you're safe and the psycho bitch didn't kill you." Eren replies, tracing his fingers lightly over the place that Levi had been stabbed."...It was so close to your heart... I thought I was going to lose you."

"To be honest I though the same thing... but it missed" Levi watches Eren's fingers and sighs cupping his face and bringing Eren in for a kiss. He kisses those soft lips of his and leans him back. Holding Eren around the waist he kisses down his neck. "I'm going to give you a present" he says between kisses. "But you're going to need to sit up a little so I can reach what matters" he massages Eren's sides lovingly and sucks On his neck. "I never ended up giving you that blow job i promised you."

Eren hums and plays with Levi's hair with a small smirk.
He places a kiss on Levi's head and sits up for Levi to have access.
"Then by all means, Please give it to me."


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