Chapter 23: The Quest For Lost Pants

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The morning comes around producing light to the world, yet Eren's room remains dark with his curtains drawn closed. At first glance, there appears to be only one person, but really, there are two. Well, a human and a vampire. Eren cuddles Levi tightly, holding him into his chest.
Naked body pressed against Levi's.
The coldness of Levi's skin not even making Eren flinch at all.
"Hmm..." Levi hums. Leg wrapped around the boy he loves. Head on his chest and eyes closed before his stomach rumbles and he opens his eyes revealing red before it fades back to grey and he yawns.  "ahhh... goodmorning," he sits up and glances to Eren pecking his nose.

The kissed nose wiggles a little before Eren opens his eyes slightly. Immediately the boys face lights up.
"Mmmorning Levi." Eren grins tiredly, squeezing Levi and kissing his lips rather than the nose.

"Morning, how's your ass feeling?" He brings a pale hand to cup Eren's cheek and he kisses him again.

"Mm... sore. But it was all worth it." The boy smiles and rolls so he's on top of Levi and the two boys share soft gentle kisses. Morning kisses. Lazy yet loving.

Levi's eyes open once more. "Hungry? Lets go eat. And err. You need your anti vampire juice."

"Oh yeah... yeah I do..."
Because of their activities last night, Eren completely forgot to take his vervain water. Not that it mattered. Levi would of been able to protect him had anything attacked durung the night.
Eren yawns and sits up, the covers dropping off of him.
"Lets go eat, hey?"

Levi nods and stand up too throwing om some shorts and then stretching.

Eren follows,  chucking on his boxers and exiting the room for the kitchen.
He grabs out a bowl and some cereal before glancing at Levi.
"Do you want some of my blood to drink? I haven't had vervain yet."

"You're offering again?" Levi blinks. "You really do love me for real then," he smirks and hugs Eren.

"Of course I love you." Eren says with a yawn.
"I don't just go around saying 'HEY! FREE BLOOD GET YA FREE BLOOD HERE! EREN JAEGER FREE BLOOD!' Tch. Do you want some or no?"

"'Course i do. You're my favorite."  Levi  hugs Eren around the waist quickly then sits up on the bench and opens his arms for Eren to come to him so he can get some breaky.

When Eren is in place,  Levi picks out a place to sink his teeth into, and then he does the said action, taking in the sweet tasting red liquid known as blood. Even tastier because It's Eren's.

Levi hums out a tune while he drinks and hugs Eren with his arms and legs.

"M-make sure not to suck me dry." Eren reminds the vampire, digging his nails into Levi's back.

The vampire gasps a little at Eren's nails and breaks off with red eyes. "I wouldn't dream of it... well... not dry of blood anyway. This is a different story, "  Lebi runs his fingers over Eren's bulge and resumes his breakfast. Perched on the bench.

"Mmph... alright. Just be mindful."
The boys arms hug onto Levi tightly. The rush of blood leaving his body causing him to shake ever so slightly.
"O-okay y-you done yet?"

Levi hugs tightly onto Eren and continues to drink from him until sighing in satisfaction amd licking the wound over like usual. "You feeling-*lick*- alright?" Levi kisses the small wound and then the rest of his neck.

"I feel.... a little tired.  But I'm fine." Eren sighs and hugs Levi loosely before stepping away and making his cereal like he planned to beforehand.

"When are you leaving?"

"Soon I suppose... whenever Petra gets here," Levi sighs and watches Eren then makes him some vervain tea.

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