Chapter 32: Witches Are A Pain In the Ass

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"... Blood..."
Eren mutters. He can feel his heart pounding and the scent of Levi's blood is so alluring and sweet. He never knew something could smell this good.
His mouth fills with saliva and he feels compelled to hook onto him.
He takes a step forward.

"... Eren What's wrong" Levi stares where Eren's eyes are fixed. He watches his own skin heal up and then glances at Eren with the raise of a brow.

"I... don't know. .." Eren says quietly. "But..." Eren shakes his head and keeps his red eyes glowing on Levi's vampire skin. 'I could bite right through it...' is Eren's thinking. 'Underneath... is his blood... his delicious blood...Wait, what am I thinking? !' Eren shakes his head and turns away. "Um.. Adain's. Come on."

Levi nods and follows Eren. 'he was staring at ny skin... when he was drinking that blood his eyes changed, sure. But I noticed how dull they were... why were they glowing so fluorescent at the sight of my blood?'

Levi puts his thoughts away for later and instead brings up conversation.
"Tch. Look around Eren. Look at all these big ass trees."

Eren does look around, and he breathes in some of the big ass tree's oxygen.
"Mm big ass trees. Yep. Big. No ass's but definitely big."

"Sooo... I know you'll probably never forgive me." Levi kicks at the dirt as they walk. "But I was kinda hoping that you... y'know. Might."

"Only time will be able to tell, Levi." Eren sighs looking down as his vampire feet moves his vampire body. "I still love you. I don't hate you. Just... feel..." Eren pauses walking and speaking to watch a bug crawl on the footpath. He then steps on it and keeps walking onwards.

"I know. I never meant for it to become part of your life." Levi sighs. "Least of all did I want our next meeting to be like that... It was more along the lines of You running into my arms and me spinning you around before we share this. Amazing kiss...then we watch movies and chat. Then maybe go heat up the bedroom..." Levi sighs then wraps his hand around Eren's wrist. "You're still warm... get used to the feeling while you can." he sighs. Just like a corpse. Eren's body will lose its heat and become just as cold and dead as Levi.

Teal eyes flicker to the hands that wrap around his wrist. "It makes me wonder actually..." Eren mutters. "You said you loved me when I was human. I was warm. Now I'll lose my heat."

"You think I love you for your warmth?"

Eren nods and pulls his arm away to keep on walking. "Truth is, I'm not sure what to believe."

"Mhm. Im a confusing one alright." Levi nods and keeps following.

The familiar bar of Adain's turn up and Eren's movements become more slow. He's slightly nervous. He killed his niece. The irish lad had said that if Levi had of killed cake then he would have killed Levi. And now Eren is the one to have done the awful deed.

"If anything goes wrong. Run okay?" Levi tells Eren before they reach the door and knock "Now I think they migh-"

"WHO IS IT!?" Cake's voice rings from inside the house.

Levi looks to Eren
'Shes... alive?!'

"That... That can't be possible! I... I killed her, didn't I?!" Eren takes a slow step back and goes to bolt off with Levi right behind the idea.
The door opens before they even have a chance to take another step.

Cake stands there with a face mask on.

"...a regeneration ring..." Levi stares at her finger and grabs Eren's wrist again, dashing off faster than cake can register what's happening.

"Whah?!" Eren yells as he's pulled away from the door in a quick motion, faster than ever. Levi doesn't stop until they're far away and out of sight from the bar.

"Fuck f-fuck fuck. She had a ring of regeneration. A lot of popular hunters have them. Thick rings that are usually quite rare. After death you will be able to come back to life. Though using it too often is bad for your mental and physical health and it may drive you insane and the more times you die the further your spirit will spawn from its body. Aparantly when youre a spirit you have to find your body in order to wake up but I'm not sure. AH! She's alive! FUCK! Speaking of which. We need to get you a daylight ring."

"A daylight ring? How do you suppose we do that?" Eren asks. Levi has run them back to where Eren's apartment is. He looks up at the skyscraper and blinks up at it before walking into the building.

"They're fairly easy to acquire. I know a witch that will fix you up easy." Levi sighs and walks with Eren up the stairs.

"I thought witches were enemies of vampires?"

"Tch. Course they are. As a general whole."

"Annnnd yet this witch can fix me up with a daylight ring thingy?"

"As a general whole, Eren. This witch is one of the kind that doesn't care if vampires live. As long as they don't kill her family she won't kill them. You have to learn to not be so shallow minded. Everyone is different. Witch, hunter, vamp or regular human. We all see things differentl. How many times do you need to be told? That being said. I never said I liked her, did I? Infact she's a pain in my ass."

"Right. Pain in your ass. Mmhm. You don't have many friends."
They reach Eren's aprtment and luckily for Eren, he still has his key. The door unlocks and they step in to find it ransacked.

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