Chapter 28: The Great Depression

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"Cheer up Eren," Cake says a little too happy for Eren's comfort.  "Soon they will suffer what you are suffering. Especially Levi. "

"But I... don't want them to suffer... they aren't bad... they aren't..." Eren sobs.

"Yes they are. They deserve to die. All vampires do. They don't have emotions, Eren. They turn off their humanity. Just like a switch. They flick it off in their brains and they don't have to feel if they don't want to," Cake explains.  "You're better off without a heartless lying asshole anyway."

"... No...No I know Levi... he... no." The boy buries his head into his hands and only bawls his eyes out more. That's all he can do. Cry. Cry for the vampire that stole his heart, then pulverised it.

"Honey, You're a mess. It's all because you were stupid enough to mess with that immortal scum," the girl sighs.

"Shut up! Stop talking!" Eren wails, burying his head into his crossed arms.

Cake sighs again. "There there, Eren... I pity you y'know..." she stands and walks off.


It's day four and for a well fed vamp being not so well fed does things to someone like Levi. "IM STARVING!" He yells.

"SHUT UP OKAY? I'M HUNGRY TOO!" Petra yells at Levi and crosses her arms over her stomach that growls.

The door finally opens for daily dosage number four. It's Eren again. He doesn't even say anything. His eyes are frowning with anger. His lips pulled down into a frown. His fringe brushing over his eyes that are not only angry, but blood shot, shaped underneath by the bags.

He places the two cups of blood on the floor and wanders to the door.

"Thank you, Eren." Petra says with a hint of sorrow for the crushed boy.
Eren stops momentarily with a small turn to look at Petra before he storms back out and closes the door once more.

"Oh thank fuck," Levi picks up the blood and sculls it down.

"Gees, great manners Levi." Petra rolls her eyes before taking her cup and drinking down the substance.

"He doesn't want to talk to me... besides. We're only here to be killed, so."

"Yeah. I'm aware." She says bluntly, licking her lips free of blood before laying back and tossing the cup at Levi's head Which he catches and crunches, tossing it in the corner.

"Hmph. Jerk."

"Tch." levi moans and lays down. "Get some sleep..."

Petra doesn't.  She stays awake, cross legged and looks at the door.


Day 9.

"Alright,  you vampire scum. Wake up. Today, is going to be fun!" Cake squeals in delight as she enters their cell.

"Mn?" Levi sits up and stretches. "Hey I know you-... shit..." Levi gasps. This is the witch he stole from. This can only mean trouble.

"Hehe," Cake lets a menacing smirk take hold of her features and she cracks her knuckles. "So. Ready to play some games?"

"Not really no." Levi sasses her and Petra scoffs.

"Oh, trust me. You'll get right into it." Cake smirks.



Screaming. That is all Eren has heard coming from the cell for the past 3 hours. It harms his ears, and his body feels weak at hearing them. He doesn't want to, but every time Adain goes to take him away while Cake does as she do, Eren smacks his hand and tells him to 'fuck off'.

Levi pants as Cake leaves.

"Ah- ha.... ha... ha..." both Petra and Levi lay there now unmoving.

"Done!" Cake beams to her uncle. "You can go feed the rats now, Eren."

"I... I-I don't want to..." the boy stammers.

"Oh come on, don't be a baby!" Cake grunts. Arms folded over her chest with her hip sticking out. Eren is starting to dislike this Cake.

"...okay..." Eren says warily. He stands from his spot and then goes and grabs them their cups of blood. He stops, staring at them before placing Levi's cup down. He slips a few drops of his own blood into Levi's cup. Maybe he'll taste it, maybe he won't. But Eren was told his blood was delicious. He wants to give Levi some, despite the pain Levi has caused him. He then walks into the cell with their lunch, but with his wrist slightly bleeding.

Both vampires perk up at the smell. "Food!" Levi blinks and stares at Eren with red eyes. "... you're bleeding... I can Smell it."

A small grunt is Eren's reply before he covers his bleeding wrist and sets the cups down on the ground. He spares a look at Levi and Petra and he stops in his crouched down position.
"Your... h-hurt..." Eren whispers quietly as he stares at the vampires, blood on both of them. It makes him sick to the core.

"We're fine... we can heal remember?" Levi fakes a cocky chuckle. "Ain't nothing that bitch can do that will hurt us. Right Petra?" Levi stretches and picks up the blood pretending to be fine for Eren.

"Yeah.. haha. We're fine. No need to worry." Petra assures reaching for her cup and holding onto it while eyeing Eren carefully.

The boy stays silent, his eyes wandering all over the two vampires, lingering more on Levi. Tears well up, but he doesn't shed them. "Ah... of course. Um.." Eren sniffs.  "E-eat up."  He quickly turns on his heel, small droplets of blood dripping onto the floor. The door shuts.

"Hmm..." Levi drinks his blood down then widens his eyes. "This is Eren's blood!"

"What?" Petra raises an eyebrow, sipping at her fill slowly.

"It's not all his... but there's some of his blood in it..." he glances to Petra. "Can you smell it? Is it in yours too?"

"Mine tastes the same as every other day." Petra sigh, gulping the rest of hers down before squashing her cup and chucking it with the others. "Nothing special about it at all."

"He cut himself open and put his blood in my cup... and he hasn't been drinking his vervain. Damn it Eren." Levi groans and sips it all down before chucking the cup away with Petra's and sighing heavily.

"Hmm? Someone looks like they care." The woman teases.

"He knows how much I like the taste of his blood... so much that he's either stopped drinking vervain for me or has completely forgotten because he's been so depressed. Maybe he's given up on hunting all together... no not Eren. His mother was a hunter this is important to him... I need to talk to him."

"Good luck, is all I can really say for you." Petra says blinking at Levi before curling into a ball and waiting for herself to heal.

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