Chapter 31: Awakened

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"NOO! RAAAAAHH!!!" Levi screams over Eren's weezes and grabs Grisha's head in his hands. Snapping his neck and then sliding on the floor to Eren and ripping his own wrist open without hesitation.

The boys left over blood leaks out. Tears escape his eyes and his pain only increases. Every movement kills.
"L-Levi..." Eren stutters with a sniff. "I love you..." he weeps feeling his end nearing. He knew that by the end of this he wouldn't make it. He couldn't of. He was already starving, sick, dehydrated. He would of died from thirst if not this.

"No... no drink this, it'll heal you... you'll be okay, Eren I promise." Levi pulls Eren close to him and puts his arm infront of his mouth. "Just pretend it's not blood."

Eren blinks letting tears drop. Glancing at Levi with a pained cringe and a grunt before he holds out his tongue.  He licks over the blood drops that fall into his mouth. It tastes gross, but he does so anyway. He has to stop as the pain just gets too great and he huffs and pants with a shake of his head. "Nngah. .. ha... c-can't! Ha..." the boy sniffs some more and looks to his wound that has released so much blood that his black singlet is drenched. "B... bye... Levi."

"If you think im letting you die you have another thing coming. Drink it! Drink more! And we'll get you some food!" Levi puts his arm against Eren's mouth. "Drink it. As much as you can. Drink it!"

Eren whimpers and puts his lips around the wound letting the blood slither down his throat. He coughs on it a little but otherwise he keeps drinking. Levi watches Eren's wound and lifts up his shirt gently to look at the wound while Eren drinks. "Keep going..." he says and the wound slowly starts to heal as Eren sucks away on his arm.

"Just a little more okay... then we'll go find you some real food." he sighs letting Eren drink down his blood.
After another minute Eren's wounds have healed up and Eren is able to breathe like he was before being stabbed viciously in the back.
Petra watches them in silence. She feels reluctant to say anything. She watches the blood splatters on the floor, a mixture of vampire and human. The human looks delicious, which is why she keeps her distance from Eren and stays quiet.

The door is open.  They're free.

"Okay, Eren lets go. You're coming with us until Adian gets back. Let's get you some food." Levi commands the small group. Stomping on Grisha's skull viciously before nodding. "Ready? Let's go?"

"Hurry." Is all Petra says before standing up. Eren is too much a temptation.
Eren can barely walk on his own so Levi has to assist and help him.
They get to the door and abruptly stop. Cake stands there arms crossed.
She doesn't say a word.
In a quick action her hand thrusts into Eren's chest. She rips out his heart.

Time just stops.
What else can it do.
What the fuck just happened!? Eren's dead!? No wait he-

All these thoughts flood their minds. They stare at Eren. His body falls limp in Levi's arms and falls to the floor with a loud thud.

"BITCH!" Petra yells snapping them both out of it.

"Enough!" Cake screeches and points her hand at Petra. Dropping the heart on the ground and torturing Petra's mind with her magic.

"AREGH!" Petra yells and then the same happens to Levi. She puts the vampires in their place and they back off slightly though all Levi can feel is pain for Eren's death.

Cake turns her back to Eren's dead corpse and walks forward making the vampires back off "Ah-"


Once more there's silence as Cake's body falls to the ground.

"...E-Eren?" Levi and Petra stare at the hunter... with the glowing red eyes.

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