Chapter 6: I had sex with a vampire...

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Eren gives in. He's been persuaded. Or more like he feels like he has no choice.
"Alright... alright fine..." he breathes nervously.

 "Okay just... relax... or it might hurt. But you'll be fine im sure" he waves a hand and moves his lips to Eren's neck where he starts sucking on it like a normal human at first to make sure Eren is calm.

 He isn't calm though. He's freaking out. A vampires lips are on his neck. He swears he can feel his teeth too.

'No no no... I can't do this!'

 "Hhmm... you're very tenced up" he mumbles into his neck before holding his hips with his hands.  "I told you to be calm, Eren. Take a deep breath. I don't want to make this hurt you but it will if you dont stop freaking out."

 "It's hard to stop! You're in the perfect position to drain my body into a flesh sack!"

 "Hey, I haven't done it yet have I?" He hums "It won't hurt like the other two times. We have a pleasure componant in our saliva that makes biting less painful though I don't use it often... as you may have noticed... eitherway if you're not relaxed I can't inject it into you without it hurting like going in dry understand?"

 Eren sighs and clenches his eyes tightly.
"Okay.. yes I understand... still..." Eren blinks up at the ceiling, anticipating Levi's teeth. Expecting to feel his neck punctured once more.

 Levi feels Eren calm down a little under him and in that split second he takes the opportunity to sink his teeth into Eren. At first it hurts, but only for a few seconds before it numbs and feels  like the satisfaction of when you stretch in the morning. He doesn't inject it into Eren just yet. He lets Eren get used to the fact that his teeth are in him.

 It takes a while before Eren firmly believes that Levi isn't sucking out any of his red liquid. He keeps quiet, biting his lip, waiting. Waiting for some sort of spark to light up. When Levi is satisfied with Eren's state of calmness he pushes his mouth against Eren's skin roughly and injects it into him, the toxin that floods his bloodstream quite quickly. Like a milisecond of orgasm pumping though his chest, fingers, toes and especially his dick. The strong sensation fades and suddenly Eren's body is very very very needy. Levi's lips come away from his skin and he licks his tongue over the bite.

 "Mmph." Eren grunts. His work jeans becoming tight in that small instant, pushing up against the fabric and poking at Levi.
He never would have belived this if Levi hadn't of done it. Now, he wants it. He wants sex bad. He, as stated, is needy.

 "How are we feeling~?" Levi smirks running his hands up and down Eren's body.  "Ready to have sex with a drunk vampire yet? Or do you still want to give me head and try to kill me?" he chuckles in a sloppy drunken way.

 "Ha..." Eren breathes. "Y-you knew...?"

"Course I did. I'm not stupid. Why? You think you could take advantage of me and stab me in the back?... how's that working out for you?" Levi glances down to Eren's hard on with a smirk.

 Said boy flips his head back with a groan. "Bastard... ff...". He cringes as he feels so contained and uncomfortable now thanks to the toxin that's running amock inside him.

 Levi sighs and tears Eren's good work shirt off with ease. Perving on his body "mmm you're doing pretty well, kid... keep up the good work" he mumbles licking over his forming four pack of abs and grinding on Eren.

 "A-ah fuck." Eren lightly groans. "If you're gonna fuck me at least take my pants off already! Ugh...."
The constriction is bothering Eren. Greatly.  So fucking tight.

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