Chapter 33: Dinner Time

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"The hell happened here?" Levi mumbles looking at Eren.

"You tell me." Eren says bluntly, walking in not overly fazed by the pigsty. He was angry, and therefore he doesn't overly care if his house is a mess.

"Did you do this?" Levi looks around confused.

"Half of it." Eren says going to his fridge and pulling out some burban. After seeing that he has no full cups since they're all broken, he begins drinking from the bottle.

"Half? What do you mean?"

"I mean I did half of it. Vampires did the rest of it." Eren answers as the sips from the bottle are long gulps.

"Which vampires?"


"When the fuck was this, Eren!? Wanna give me a little more info!?"

Eren drinks a huge gulp of the alcohol and glances to Levi. "Yknow. A bit of this and that. Shit happened. They left in the end." He shrugs and continues drinking.

"You're being an annoying little shit right now." Levi groans, perching on the bench. "Elaborate. I haven't been around so tell me the deets."

"Hmm. I was home alone. I had just gotten a visit from Jean and-"

"Jean?" Levi raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah, he came over to 'talk' to me. I kicked him up the ass and showed him my barrel." Eren says gesturing to a gun that's  on the floor. "Anyway, he left and my house was already a mess because of past tantrums. Then my fucking window breaks and some red eyed shit claims they're going to kill me."

"Tantrums? What's been going on, Eren? You sound like you went nuts."

"Haha. Yeah. Fun times." Eren frowns and sculls the whole bottle before smashing it on the floor.

"That's super gross. " Levi stares at the bottle before grabbing Eren. "Let's clean your house."

"Why? It'll just get messy again."

Levi is holding Eren around the waist with both hands. "Then we'll talk about why you've been throwing tantrums and making your house so messy."

"We both know why."

"... why?" Levi pushes staring up to the taller boy.

"I don't need to explain." Eren mutters.

"" Levi asks. Blinking.

The boy nods slowly. "You broke my heart. I was emotional."

"How can I help heal it?"

"How am I supposed to know? Once you've broken it it's hard for that person to fix it."

"Ah. I'm sorry... I wasn't telling the truth though you know. I still do love you. Regardless off how warm you are." Levi chuckles slightly and rubs his sides.

"I know. You've said." Eren glances down at the hands that rub his sides before he takes them and removes them. He turns around and holds Levi's hands in his before letting them slip.
"...I need to go see Armin."

"Armin? No don't. You haven't been taught how to control yourself... maybe just call him?"Levi suggests hoding the fact that Eren just rejected his attempts to reach out in love.

"I need to see him. I need to see a friendly face."

"Hey my face is friendly!" Levi sits back on the bench and scoffs.

"Yes. But I need friendlier. "

"Why not me? We were friends once. Just leave Armin the fuck alone. I don't want you killing a shit ton of people."

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