Declaration: I don't own KHR! Akira Amano does!
"Foreign Language"
Flashback / dreams
~track of time~
"Tsuna speak to Henko"
"Henko speak to Tsuna"
It has been 2 week of search but neither of Iemitsu nor Basil catch any clue about suna's dissapereance. all that they got is empty answers from the whole town. no one knows who Tsuna is... they don't remember...
Iemitsu is scratching his head in annoyance, 'I always knew that this brat is a burden...' he thought as his eyes scanning at the reports that Basil gave him.
"so, what should we do now master?" Basil asked.
Iemitsu glanced at him, no plans coming up, "haaa... I don't know. Maybe we should just give up already? he might have died anyway..." he said with no care.
Basil greeted his teeth. He had enough. He was holding back ever since he know this attitude of him years ago. but now... he knows that Tsuna must needing their help, he just somehow know it, and seeing Iemitsu's reaction... he can't help but slap him HARD on the face.
"Enough with that nonesense..." Basil said with flashing eyes. "even though he's not your son. Tsunayoshi-dono is still part of your family. Thus why it's innappropiate of you to said such of thing..." He said angrily, forgetting his usual 'polite' ways to talk. scolding people like Iemitsu don't need such things anyway.
The last thing that Iemitsu would ever expected is this. his loyal appertince, the boy that he grown up, has barked at him straight on his face. Iemitsu cannot form a single word, so he's just gaping instead.
"I don't care even if it's you. but anyone, I repeat, if there's anyone that treated his family member poorly then he's much lower than a trash!" Basil shouted at him. "If only you know what did he feels when you trashed him..." He growled for the last time
"I... I..." is the only thing that manage to came out from Iemitsu's trembling mouth.
He's lucky that Reborn makes his presence by then, "Ciaoussu... What's this commotions all about?" he asked with his squeaky voice.
Basil took a deep breath to have control of his emotions before he replied, "it's nothing Reborn-dono... but if you really want to know you my ask master. He knows better" He said as he shot a glare at the mentioned blond.
Basil always obdient about Iemitsu's every command and he's always be the politest among every person that he ever known (A/N : after Tsuna of course. but since he doesn't remember about him...) so of course Reborn is curious about what's going on.
"well then, could you tell me what's going on, Iemitsu?" Reborn called the stunning blond with his full name and not his given nick name, which is Baka-Ie.
It took some minutes for Iemitsu to answer that simple question, but oddly yet luckly for him neither of Reborn or Basil called for him since he's having a train of thoughts.
Thoughts about his treatment towards the brunet.
to think it again, Tsuna never done anything to him. all that he do is always to pleased him. yet he dumped him out of humanity.

Truth of The Future ~KHR fanfiction~
FanfictionSecond book of "Silent but Deep" They know... They've known about my past, they've seen me suffer, and now all that I want to do is run. run away from my fate... run away from myself... - - However, as much as I want to, my fate has been write...