Declaration: I don't own KHR! Akira Amano does!
"Foreign Language"
Flashback / dreams
~track of time~
"Tsuna speak to Henko"
"Henko speak to Tsuna"
Cielo POV
we just got back to the host house. all the way here, Sora-sama stay silent even after I asked her.
She must be dissapointed on him, I mean what kind or reaction is that?! They've been separated for years, yet he just brushed her away like it was nothing at all. Even the most patient person must at least sad, and Sora-sama is not that kind of girl. Instead of 'sky' like how she named, she's more like a raging storm. and that's exactly why I'm concerned about her quietness for it's odd to happen.
"Sora-chan..." I called her again, we were currently on the swing. just the two of us, while everyone else is watching a movie on the living room.
"..." She didn't respond. and so I decided to stay quiet too.
From the silenceness I began to think on something else and it was none other than what happened before.
'It's odd... why did they call me by Tsuna? Do we really look that alike? and what did that sun arcobaleno tell me about my scar? That Tsuna-guy has it too? how could that possible?' I thought to myself.
There is a possiblity that I'm indeed the one that they're looking for. Because from what the way they speak, it looks like this Tsuna-guy is missing for a long time, perhaps 6 moths ago or so. It's around the time where I found my self wake up in a park bench without any of my memories.
To think it again the possibility is high...
but if that true, then they are my family? Did I erase my memory to protect them? Was my name Sawada Tsunayoshi?
There's so many unanswered questions and I was thinking on asking Henko-san for answers but I don't think he would say a word about it. but well, it's worth to try, right?
"Ne, Henko-san, I have a question to ask, can I?"
"Bt you already have, my boy~" I 'internally' laughed as he joked.
"well then another one?"
"well go on..." He chuckled, "Is it about your dear Sora-sama?"
I shooked my head, "no... it's about me..." I said. "and I plead you, for this once answer me honestly."
"..." Henko-san's expression's changing. Looks like he knows on where is this going.
"-I promise that I won't ask any other question... not ever... so, can you please answer this one?" I asked with pleading (read : puppy) eyes
after some second, he sighed, "fine, you beat me..." I smiled, "so what do you want to ask?"
I then asked this one question that I know will make much things even clearer... "Was my name... Sawada Tsunayoshi?"
His eyes widen a bit before wen back to normal. he's gazing away while slightly bitting his lower lips. 'Is it really a big of matter if I'm indeed 'Tsuna'?!' I questioned in my own mind.

Truth of The Future ~KHR fanfiction~
FanfictionSecond book of "Silent but Deep" They know... They've known about my past, they've seen me suffer, and now all that I want to do is run. run away from my fate... run away from myself... - - However, as much as I want to, my fate has been write...