Chapter 18

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Declaration: I don't own KHR! Akira Amano does!


"Foreign Language"



Flashback / dreams


~track of time~


"Tsuna speak to Henko"

"Henko speak to Tsuna"


Normal POV

Mukuro was seen walking alone with his both hand on his jacket's pocket. Some people who saw him whispered on how odd his hairstyle, but as usual he just ignore it. It's not like he ever listen to those herbivores -as how Hibari dubbed them- anyway. "Kufufu~ They just jealous of my awesomeness' he always said. 

What ticked him, was on how the h*** he'll able to find the owner of the scraft? all that he know is the owner name and the school that she went to. and it was Erito-chuu from Fukushima prefecture.

'Well I saw some of them while ago. might as well ask one... Kufufu~ and maybe I could play with them?' Mukuro thought as he planned to play some trick for he hasn't done anything fun since this morning.

and so he approached one of them, a girl with wavy black hair who seems searching on something,

"excuse me miss?" Mukuro tapped her shoulder and she turned around.

"y-yes?" the girl slightly jumped at the sudden call. But then, the two of them stunned as their eyes locked at eachother.

'was it just me or her eyes just flashed with rainbow?' Mukuro thought. and coincidically the girl also thought the same.

"s-so... eum... is there anything I could help you with?" The girl snapped first, she's having a faint blush on her cheek.

"well, I'm searching for someone from your school namely Agata Yakemi..." Mukuro said for the first time without his creepy laugh.

"w-well you're staring at the person now. s-so... again, is there anything I could help you?" She asked still not dare to stare at the handsome guy infront of her.

Mukuro raised a brow when he saw the girl blushed, "well then, I'm here just to returned this..." He said taking out the red scraft from his pocket.

Yakemi is red now. She never expected that her lost scraft will be founded by anyone. "T-Thank you..." She said as she extended her hand to get her scarft.

accidently, their hands touched. It makes her -who believe on that love myths- stepped back in nervousness. She tripped small rock when she did and she almost fall if only Mukuro didn't catch her... accidently, by waist.

"Kufufu~ you're alright young lady?" Mukuro asked, back to his usual self.

Yakemi didn't mind on his creepy laugh as she's too distracted on how close their face is. Her face is dark scarlet by now. "I-I'm f-fine... t-thanks for catching me..." She shuttered.

Mukuro nodded as he soon released her. 

"I uh, I never catch on your name..." She asked nervously.

"Kufufu~ It's Rokudo Mukuro. Just Mukuro is fine." He introduced.

"Mukuro then... a-and mine, as you know is Agata Yakemi, you can call me Yakemi and... well, thanks for the scraft... a-and for saving me... I owe you..." She said with a shy smile.

 Mukuro who saw it blushed. 'd*** she's cute!' he hurriedly shooked that thought off his mind. "it's nothing really" He said, looking away.

there's an awkward silence between them and the two is getting nervous by it.

"ano... if you don't mind, can I have your phone number?" Yakemi suddenly asked.


Yakemi blushed for she can't belive on what she just said. "eum- well, y-you seems nice... and I wonder if we could befriend? b-but it's okay if you don't want too" She said in hurry while her face is heating. "y-you know? what just forget it!" She squeaked in embarassment. 'what the hell am I doing?' she thought to herself.

Mukuro in other hand found it amusing, "Kufufu~ you sure is funny, Yakemi-san. Fine then, my number is XXXXXXXXXXXX, got that?"

"-eh wait! please repeat it!" Yakemi said as she clumsily search for her phone. Mukuro just laughed again before he repeated. not so long then the awkwardness between them melted and they chatted for the next couple of minutes...  

without them realizing some pair of eyes were spying on them, 

"she's pretty~"

"I still can't believe on that myth"

"well I just hope they'll soon be together"

"as long Mukuro-nii is happy" the girls commented while the boys just silent for they're tired after being dragged around... 


~Little time skip~

after a while the teacher finally called the students to gather so they could go home. 

They all sweatdropped at the sight of Sora and Cielo's group for the three of them brought one big plastic full of leaves. 

when they got asked by the teacher, B1 answered, "We'll magically turned them into money. just wait and see" he said while grinning widely. the other two nodded leaving Sora and Cielo sweatdropped. 'they're too excited' is in the both mind.

on their way home, Sora noticed that Yakemi was oddly smiling ever since they re-grouped, "looks like someone is happy. mind to know the reason?" She asked the ravenette.

with sparkling eyes Yakemi gladly answered her, "Oh Sora~! I fall in love~!" 

"heh really~ so who's the lucky guy?" Yamada butted in.

"he's the most handsome guy in the world!" Yakemi squealed. "he's so tall, and his heteromatic eyes, and the way he laughs... KYAA~!" The two sweatdropped while Cielo chuckled. "he sounds like a really nice guy." He commented.

"and he is! and there's more... he's the one who returned my red scarft!"

both Sora and Yamada widened their eyes, "That mean... the myth?" Yakemi nodded in excitement.

"Kyaa! I'm happy for you Yacchan!" Sora said hugging her bestfriend. "I hope you'll be a great couple."

"I hope so!" then the girls chatted about the said guy all the way to the house, leaving Yamada who can only sighed before he snickered and Cielo who confused.

"eum... can anyone explained on what's going on?" 

Yamada chuckled as he patted his shoulder, "love is what's going on. don't worry, you'll understand someday..." 

"I still don't get it, but oh well" He shrugged and Yamada laughed. they then occupied with their own chatter...

Soon later they all got back to the host house...  





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