Chapter 118

336 25 46

Declaration: I don't own KHR! Akira Amano does!


"Foreign Language"



Flashback / dreams


~track of time~


{people from Tsuna's mindscape talking to Tsuna, Vice Versa}


Tsuna POV

After we all entered the blackhole, I figured that will land somewhere, probably somekind of weird places in another dimentions, but I've never thought that we'll ended up in an office, moreless with a girl in glasses looking bewildered upon our arrival.

Then, after a whole ten seconds of starring, she groanned, "Just great... I think I'm too sleep deprived, I began to have halucinations...."

We exchanged glances to each other before then I decided to asked, "Ano, Miss? Do you know where is this? and uh... if you might, who are you?"

She stared at me boredly before then answer, "My name is kind of long, but you can just call me infa, no need for honorrific. And you're currently in my office... but I don't think you needed to ask these since you're just part of my delusion, are you not?" 

at this I chuckled sheepishly, scratching my cheek, "Well, yeah, about that. You're not halucinating, Infa-chan." She didn't look convinced though.

"Uh-huh... of course, and that explains why some cosplayers just out of nowhere popped up in front of me... Gosh, I guess, I need more coffee..." She rolled her eyes then began to ignore us in favor of doing whatever her job is...

Reborn tugged on my stread of hair as he choked his head, which I understand the meaning.

And so, I tapped on her long sleeved arm and she freezed, "Wait... I feel someone touched me..." She blinked before then she turned to face me blinking frantically.

"Uh... yeah, I did touched you. Like I said, we're a real deal Infa-chan. And I think it's be better if you can help us for a bit..." 

"B-But... That's not possible! I mean, you can't be here! you're not real!" She said standing up and began to touch and checked for me. But when she's about to touch Reborn, as expected, he raised his Leon gun and pont it at her.

"You shouldn't touch me so recklessly, young lady... I'm a hitman..." 

I sweatdropped at his statement, but I guess the warning reached her. But now she had her eyes widen as she gasped, "No way..."

"B-But How? You're just... and I was... I mean, could something like this actually happens???" She began to rant on some incoherent words before then I said again.

"Ano, miss... Do you by any chance, know who we are?" I asked her rather suspiciously.

She took a deep breath before then slightly nodded, "Of course I do! You're Tsuna-" She pointed at me.

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