Chapter 13

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Declaration: I don't own KHR! Akira Amano does!


"Foreign Language"



Flashback / dreams


~track of time~


"Tsuna speak to Henko"

"Henko speak to Tsuna"


Normal POV

It's been some months ever since that day. Cielo is experiencing a normal life, where with his likeable personality he's being loved by everyone. 

He's always be seen around Sora. so if there's Sora then you'll also find Cielo around. 

While Sora herself, she's grown attached to the brunet too, as her new big brother... 

But then, one occasion change her view of him forever...

The school bell just rang. the students cheered as they can finally get home.

"Let's go home Cielo" Sora said as she smiled.

"Sorry Kitsune-chan, but we're going to borrow him for some hours" one of their classmates said while patting Cielo's shoulder. 

"Yeah, we need him to teach us math for the test tomorrow." 

"he had promised us yesterday~" two more boys aproached him.

"Oh? is that so?" Sora raised a brow.

Cielo chuckled sheepishly, "Sorry Sora-chan but I did. I kindda eum... forgot about it?" 

"Why you!" The three playfully attacked him. 

"Sorry... ehehe" Is Cielo's reply.

Sora chuckled, "well then, I'm going home now. Good luck!" She said waving her hand.

"Thanks!" The three replied in sync.

"See you at home!" Cielo waved. Then the fourth of them started their tutoring session...

While with Sora, she's walking home alone. Yakemi used to acompany her but she got lots of paper to be done, and since she's the chairman she had to finish them.

well this is nothing new for Sora since it was her reutine before Cielo lived with them.

all the way home she's thinking about Yakemi's joke this morning, "You know? you two looked cute together? why don't you just go as a couple?" Is what she said.

Sora blushed at the memory, 'Jeez, Yacchan... me and Cielo as a couple? she must be kidding' but then she remember about how red Cielo is when Yakemi said that. He didn't say a thing though, he just looked away. but for the worst, someone accidently bumped Cielo, making him loose his balance and fall on top of Sora in an awkward position. They both blushed embarassedly while the whole class cheered teasingly.

and now there's a new ship at their school, and it called Kawaii geniuses for both of them are cute and the smartest students.

Sora was too occuped with her own mind she didn't realize that a truck was coming to her direction.

"Little girl! Watch out!!!" The driver shouted. but it was too late for Sora to realized. all that she can do was widening her eyes before...


However Sora didn't feel any pain at all, out of her curosity she then timidly open her eyes. She's shocked to see Cielo's face and to find out that she's being held bridal style by him.

"Phew... That was close. Thankgoodness I trust my insting and came on time..." Cielo said smiling at Sora.

"w-what are you doing here?" she asked.

"Saving you my princess?" He winked making her blushed.

The truck driver was just got out from the crashed vechile, he hurriedly went to their dirrection.

"A-Are you okay little girl?" He asked while he himself got injured on his head.

"I'm fine ojii-san-" Sora said.

"-but you're not..." Cielo added with a worry tone, "You need to be treated ojii-san. your head is bleeding."

The man chuckled sheepishly, "Ma... I'll be fine. I'm happy that no one else got hurt"

"What happens anyway?" Cielo asked.

"It seems like the break is broken." The man sighed tiredly. "anyway, I think I should call my boss now. People also started to crowds over there. so... see you guys around!" He said then walked away.

"Now, do you actually fine, Sora-chan? does you feel any pain?" Cielo asked in worry.

his word just snapped her back to reality. Sora just realized that she's still on his embrace, and so she blushed.

"n-no... I'm perfectly fine... Thank you. N-Now could you put me down?" Sora said, looking away as her face is as red as tomatoes.

"Sure..." Cielo then put her down. They then stared at the truck who crashed onto the wall for some seconds of silence.

"I'm happy that you safe Sora-sama... I can't imagine if I lost you in this accident" Cielo said under his breath with eyes still solemly stared at the scene across the street.

Sora stared at him. Worry and anxious is lacing his flawles face, and his sparkling eyes are clouded with sadness. However, his pink lips are curved into a smile of gladness. Even when he's worried he still looked handsome...

"Huh?" Cielo stared at the blonde with a shocked face.

"Eh?" 'Did I just said that out loud?!' Sora panicked.

Their face turned red and they both turning their back so the other won't see their red face.

after a while Cielo finally spoke, "w-we might need to go home now... M-Mizuki-sama must have waited for us at this hour" he said accidently use that honorific again.

Sora, however, didn't comented on that as she's too embarassed with her words before, "y-yeah... let's go then..." Then they went home. There's a thick awkwardness as no one said a word, and it keeps on going 'till they reach their destination...

on that very day Sora just realized her feelings... 

and that she's fall in love Cielo...

While with Cielo... He's questioning on why he felt that he ever heard the similar thing...






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