Declaration: I don't own KHR! Akira Amano does!
"Foreign Language"
Flashback / dreams
~track of time~
"Tsuna speak to Henko"
"Henko speak to Tsuna"
Sora POV
'I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!!!' I tried to shout but it goes into muffles as my mouth got aped by that Aho-ichi (read : Yamada Kaichi). Plus! Yacchan and even Cielo is involved with this ridiculous plan!
Tch... I've told them that this isn't nesecary but they won't listen! and where the hell they found these ropes anyway?!
Urgh! I need to get out before-
SFX : *Braaaak!!*
"SORA!" I turned my head to see both of my nii-san coming closer.
"are you okay, Sora? did they hurt you?" Mizu-nii asked me as he removed the tape from my mouth.
"Pwah!" I gasped, "yeah they did-" I grumped, "They hurt my pride..."
Mizu-nii and Shuryo-nii seems to be confused but I don't care with those looks as I continue on my rant, "That Aho-ichi! I can't believe that he makes everyone agree with this. He even conviced Cielo and Yacchan! Tch... I will so get him back for this-" and there goes my long rant of anger.
However, Mizu-nii stopped me when I almost swearing.
"language, Sora!" He said sternly.
I snorted, "fine, sorry..." 'well not really' I added in my head.
Now that I think of it, "anyway, how did you come this fast?" I eyed Mizu-nii and he have that sheepish smile that I'm familiar with. "so you did stalk me, again..."
"S-Sorry?" he asked.
"Hell no!" I shouted. "just how many time should I tell you this? I'm fine okay? I'm fine on my own! I know that I'm the only sibling that you have now, but come on! can't I have my privacy?! I'm a teen for god sake!" Yes, I porpusely said that. I don't care that it hurts my eldest brother, he deserve it.
Mizuki blinked. "a-ano, Sora... Aniki is-"
"Now don't you dare to bring up the dead ! Aniki is D-E-A-D! he's not here! You're the one who stalk me around. It was you! not him! so stop it cause I'm sick of your overprotectiveness!" I barked while pointing Mizu-nii, totally ignoring the shock and hurtful look that Aniki have.
"But Sora, he's here..." Mizu-nii whispered while gesturing Aniki.
I scoffed, "Yeah yeah, I hear that lots Mizu-nii... again with your lies of him. If he alive then where is he? tell me where is he?!"
"If he even ALIVE then he must be a complete idiot! Don't he know how much pain that we've been through these past years, with no parents on our side?!? if he alive then why don't he ever home?! Don't you get it Mizu-nii? He don't care about us!!! I doubt that he even remember us!!!" I shouted with all my might that I don't even realize that my eyes has cried river. and they don't stop no matter how much I wipe them, so I close my eyes and slowl fall to my knees.
"S-Sora..." I can feel Mizu-nii's hug but this kind of warm still missing on something. though I hate to admit it I miss him. I miss Shuryo-nii. 'Can't he just understand that?' I sobs...
Just then, Mizu-nii loozen up his hug as I felt a pair of tiny hands hugging me.
"I'm sorry..." I opened my eyes, and in that instant my eyes locked at Aniki's blue eyes.
"I'm sorry for everything, Sora. For leaving you two, for telling you nothing about me, for faking my death, for making you cry..." He cried.
"I-I thought that it would be the best if you know nothing about our parents, about mafia, about this curse of mine... about me..." He crackedly confessed. "I-I... I thought that I did it for your sake... but to be truth I'm scared... I'm scared that you won't accept me when I'm like this, and that's why I hide like a baby I am... because I'm scared..."
I was shocked to hear it and so does Mizu-nii, I can see that on his face.
Aniki looked like a little kid. I just realize that it must be hard for him too, to bear all of this all alone. I feel guilty...
and so I hugged him, "You really are stupid, Aniki..." I let a chuckle stopping my sobs. "you should just be honest with us... don't you know how worry we are?" I said barely a whisper.
"You know? I was in shock when I know you're alive. It makes me feel stupid, sad, and mad at the same time"
"you know?" Aniki's eyes widen.
I nodded and let out a chuckle at his rare-hilarious expression. "uh-huh... Mizu-nii told me. and before you scold him for doing so I'll tell you, he must to."
"eh why?"
My eyes saddened, "or else we wouldn't know the reason why Cielo can't stay with us..."
"Cielo? that boy?"
"yes..." Ths time Mizu-nii answered for me. "that time, tabolt-san said that he almost die for a reason. and he won't be able to survive if he dn't get his weekly medicine from him. He almost took Cielo away from us. but we then agree to get Cielo to his house every week. that's all so he can stay with us."
"Hm... looks like you two and Cielo are close.." Aniki smiled, we exchange glances before smiled back.
"-too bad, that he might not be with you guys anymore" Aniki said in apologatic tune. it makes me angry and slightly worry, "why did you say that?" I asked in warry.
"well... because by the time we're speaking. his real family is approaching him. and knowing them, they'll do anything to get their 'Tsunayoshi' back" Aniki said while smiling the smile that held words of 'I'm sorry'
I gasped, "no... please tell me that's not true..." I almost cry again. but this time at the thought of losing Cielo, someone who I've concidered as my other brother.
"Tch... I won't let that happen! Come on you two... we better hurry and stop them before they did it." Mizu-nii clicked his tongue in anger. He then dragged me and Aniki away. when I glance his eyes before it filled with determination, I know that he meant for what he say and that means he won't stop at nothing before we get Cielo back...
a smile began to form on my lips as I feel my self getting fired up. I started to run by my self and no longer being dragged.
The three of us exchanging glances and now I know that they have the same thought as mine...
'Don't worry Cielo. We won't let them steal you from us....'

Truth of The Future ~KHR fanfiction~
FanfictionSecond book of "Silent but Deep" They know... They've known about my past, they've seen me suffer, and now all that I want to do is run. run away from my fate... run away from myself... - - However, as much as I want to, my fate has been write...