Chapter 75

456 31 11

Declaration: I don't own KHR! Akira Amano does!


"Foreign Language "



Flashback / dreams


~track of time~


{people from Tsuna's mindscape talking to Tsuna, Vice Versa}


Tsuna POV

"great job, Tsunayoshi-kin... you made it without passing out! I'm so proud of you" Saphira-san said.

Even so, in reality I made it by the skin of my teeth. It was as painful as that time when Henko revived me on our first meeting. But all in all I'm glad that it's over therefore I tried to thank her by smiling even a little.

"Here, drink some of this to recover..." Tabolt-san said as he help me to drink one of the potion that he had prepared.

It smells horible!

and for the first time in my life I'm thankful that my taste bud ruined. Or else, I don't know wether I'll survive.   It was only seconds for me to finish the whole bottle.

"T-This is..." I gasped as  I can slowly feel energy flowing back into me. It feels amazing!

With teary eyes, I pratically glomped the two in a hug, "Arigatou Gozaimasu, Tabolt-san! Saphira-san!" Saphira-san giggled as Tabolt-san laughed.

"well then my boy, I think you should go and finish what you've started" she said and I nodded.

"oh! but before you go there's something that you must now" Tabolt-san said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"that potion I gave you. the effect will only last for 4 hours and after that your body will likely shutted down." He said. .

"Wait, Does that mean I need to get back here before then?" I asked

"No. It don't have to be here. all you have to do is to get somewhere else to get some rest. Because I'm sure you don't fancy to fall deep sleep on the road. Do you?" Saphira-san winked.

I giggled, "you're right, I don't..."

"okay then, time is ticking and so you should hurry now." Tabolt-san said.

I nodded before then I found myself waving my hands as I walked out of that place searching for taxi...




'Now... it's time to finish the hunts...'


Toshi POV

Everything was chaos at our house and it was all because of the kids went hype all over again. Even the adding hands of Riku and Riki's didn't help for the least.

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