Chapter 88

392 27 7

Declaration: I don't own KHR! Akira Amano does!


"Foreign Language"



Flashback / dreams


~track of time~


{people from Tsuna's mindscape talking to Tsuna, Vice Versa}


Normal POV

#with Riki & Yuni

After the whole drama 'long lost sister' they played in front of everyone, the two finally has their time together.

"So, now that we're alone, how things went over there?" Riki began to speak up as Yuni sat next to her.

"Actually, there's nothing much to say. Me and Bya-kun is still stick on the plan.

Everything was going smooth until Tsuna-nii suddenly jumped and got left.

To be honest I never thought that Tsuna-nii would do that. I mean, didn't he know that Bya-kun won't chase us that far?" Yuni said, frowning a bit.

"Maybe you should have warn him." Riki said.

"-we did! I even heard Bya-kun when he's on the phone" Yuni pouted.

Riki chuckled. "Well then, that's just how Tsuna-nii is. I mean, we know him. Always so worried and suspicious when it comes to his family's safety. Moreover, Byakuran is still a stranger to the current him."

"Still though, this made me worry" Yuni  sighed.

"Anyway... enough of us. how about you with Vongola?" She asked again while Riki shrugged.

"I'm fine. Tsuki still can't remember any thing about that day. And the sun arcobaleno has not yet suspect a thing, neither does anyone else...

All the while, people from the past, they are struggling along with Shoichi. But, as you can see, they were not strong enough to defeat Byakuran.

So for sure, they couldn't win against him..."

After mentioning that, Riki averted her gaze to her paralyzed feet. The topic sure hits her hard. It almost like everything that happened on that day flashed before her eyes.

"I'm sorry... I think I just ruin the mood." Yuni apologized as she squeeze Riki's hand slightly.

"It's okay..." Riki said flatly, still looking down.

"I just... missed them so much right now...

And I can't believe that I'm saying this. But perhaps we should just kill him right now when he's still sane?"

Yuni gasps, "w-wait...we can't do that! Killing him now will only make the future turns for the worst!"

"Hmm? What's the point? He'll still die anyway... so it's not a big deal if he's dead now or later, right?" Riki said darkly.

"R-Riki-chan! Please snap out of this! You know that it wasn't Tsuna-nii who's responsible for this!" Yuni half shouted while holding back her tears. It was a good thing that Riki's room is sound proved, so there's less than zero percent of chance for anyone to eavesdrops this conversation from the outside.

"Then! Who should I blame?! My dad who saved him long ago? My decreased sister who can't kill him that day? Or should I even blame your f***ing husband who is hiding that d***ed killer without thinking on how we feel about it?!

Tell me, Yuni!! Who should I blame?!?" Riki shouted back as her eyes glinting in that dimly-litted room. Tears could be seen streaming below them.

"Nobody!!!" Yuni is practically screaming right now. "We can blame nobody!"

"Please understand, we're doing all of this, calling those people from the past. We even kill Toshi and risking everyone's lives, we did that to make him realize about his mistake...

because if we truly want things to go for the better, then only he could change it..."

"Then how if he made the same mistake? What if nothing's changed?" Riki asked.

"He will. I'm sure he will... I mean, just like what you said, this Tsuna-nii will do everything for the sake of his family... isn't that why everyone adores him?" Yuni smiled as she hugged her sobbing sister encouragingly.

"I know... I'm sorry... things just getting too stressful for me... too many deaths to handle.

I was so happy to see him again... but the more I see him, the more realistic my memories of that bloody day...

And I... I just can't help but explode to think that the guy I respected the most was the same person who demolished our family..." Riki apologized between her sobs.

"Hey... It's alright. I understand." Yuni rubbed the the albino's back in small circles.

"I'm so thankful that you're here with me right now. I really need some company..." Riki admitted.

"I'm glad to be here too. I have to on go a real diet after all of those marshmallows..." Yuni joked and Riki chuckled.

"Well then, why don't we just grab some fresh salad from the kitchen? I'm sure that it'll help us lighten the mood"

"Now that sounds delicious..." Yuni agreed.

And so, after fixing their appearance, the two made their way to the kitchen...




Unknown to them, there's a small transmitter just right under the bed. Letting the people on the other side heard the whole thing.




'Just as I expected...'





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