Declaration: I don't own KHR! Akira Amano does!
"Foreign Language"
Flashback / dreams
~track of time~
A little note before we start :
Kuro Cielo - Kuro
Shiro Kaito -Shiro
Shiyo Natsu - Shiyo
Dame-Tsuna - Tsuna
Kitsune Cielo - Cielo
Natsu -Natsu
Sawada Tsunayoshi - Tsuna/Master
Normal POV
In wide eyes he stared at the caged beast. Soon later he asked, "T-That's Natsu?" Eyeing the others who nodded, he gulped thickly.
"What's happening to him?"
Shiro who stayed there the longest, speak up. "He's possessed, Master..."
"By who?" Tsuna asked.
"By the bloody moon rays." Kuro answered. "They were merely a poison. But not so long then, they're mutating and formed a new personality by itself..."
"Natsu, who was created as side effect from the experiment that those scientist done to you tried to defend your soul..." Cielo said, frowning.
"H-He locked the evil presence within himself... s-so it won't endanger us... w-we called it 'the tainted one'..."Tsuna timidly said. "b-but the concequences... he's hurting..."
"He is? but how?" Tsuna asked, doesn't understand. All that he know is that these people are part of him. So if one of hem feel 'pain' then why don't he?
"Well, let me explain that for you, master..." Shiyo said. "Among us all, Natsu is the only one that was not orriginally here. Therefore, despite him being the same kind of us... 'your personality'. he kind of having his own thoughts... He used o be harmful but he has appologized and even dedicaed himself to save you from 'the tainted one' when you are still Cielo" on cue, Cielo looked grim at the guilty feeling and his helplessness that time.
"If only I could help..." He gritted his teeth.
Just then, Tsuna patted his back in soothing manners. "Don't worry... We'll help him to end his missery, now..." Tsuna said with his soft gaze abruptly filled with determination.
"W-Whaaaat???" They all gaped while Tsuna just gracefully walking closer...
"NOOO!!! Master! Don't do that!!!" They shouted as they pulled Tsuna back to the save range, and he falls to hiss but.

Truth of The Future ~KHR fanfiction~
FanfictionSecond book of "Silent but Deep" They know... They've known about my past, they've seen me suffer, and now all that I want to do is run. run away from my fate... run away from myself... - - However, as much as I want to, my fate has been write...