Chapter 125

275 22 13

Declaration: I don't own KHR! Akira Amano does!


"Foreign Language"





~track of time~


{people from Tsuna's mindscape talking to Tsuna, Vice Versa}


Normal POV

In one word, Tsuna was panicking...

Because Aria is here, and they're currently in the same room where the forensic found her dead body, in which there's only one explanation.

"No, MOM! GET OUT OF HERE!!" Tsuna shouted in desperate, all the while the TYL Tainted One smirked over it. Aria, on the other hand, was utterly confused, because of the way that stranger brunet called her.

"Tsuna-kun?" her eyes widened in recognization. Because if this boy was indeed Tsuna, then he must come from the future. Then did these people as well? and what are they doing here in the past? Were they planning to cause a time paradox?

'well, in any case, Tsuna-kun is in danger... I've got to save him, and then find Yuni...' She thought as she raised her twin gun.

"Oho~ now isn't this a discovery?" -Suddenly, TYL Tainted One spoke up. and from the way his eyes glints, Tsuna knew that Aria is in great danger.

"You just come in the most perfect time, Mom... Your son needs to be loosened up afterall~" He sang as he walked closer.

But before he even gets close enough, Surprisingly Tainted One blocked the way...

"And what do you think you're doing?" He asked with an angry scowl, and Tsuna was more than just shocked to see him acting like this.

"I'll kill her, duh. Isn't that obvious?" TYL Tainted One said in a mocking tone. meanwhile, Tainted One's scowl darkened from that.

"Over my dead body...."

-Another Glint...

"Oh? We can take care of that~" TYL Tainted One said, In which in the next second they found themselves tangled in such a furious battle.

Tsuna, on the other hand, almost has his eyes popped out. Because what the h***?

How can two argue over something when they're practically one? 

'Anyway, I should take this as my chance. Come on! Get loose!' -sparking new determination, I began my struggle to break free...



Tainted one POV

"GAAAAAAH!!!!" I shouted as I leashed my power to kill this insane 'person' before me.

Well, I know that this guy is none other than my TYL-self. But I won't hesitate for a second because of 2 Reasons...

First of all, Our aim was the same... Tsuna's younger body. Well, although I know that I've bent my real intention, still, we're competitor of each other.

While the second reason is what irked me the most... 

I mean, How could he?!

He knew very well if our vessel dead -be it literally or metaphorically- then we'll be sent into another deep slumber till we found a new one. 

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