Chapter 71

474 36 2

Declaration: I don't own KHR! Akira Amano does!


"Foreign Language "



Flashback / dreams


~track of time~


{people from Tsuna's mindscape talking to Tsuna, Vice Versa}


Tsuna POV

Grogily, I woke up from my sleep. I feel horrible yet I still forcing myself to stay up.

{You should lay down and back to sleep, Tsuna. you're in no condition to continue this plan} Henko scolded me. But I insisted.

{I can't just cancel the whole thing, Henko. our past and future depends on this. I can't be selfish now} I told him as I swayed my way to the bathroom.

{When did you ever be selfish huh? you always put everyone above you... sure you have this martyr complex, but for kami sake, Tsuna! you should think more about yourself-!} and he keeps on ranting while I closed my ears shut.

after a while, I finally snapped out, "JUST SHUT UP!!!" I barked.

"Can't you see that there's no other option? This is not something that anyone can do. Only I can handle the situation. It was me who caused all of this. Don't you know how much I feel guilty?

and be selfish? oh please! Did you forget that this whole dam*ed thing happened because of my selfishness?!-"

My face is red, my breath are shorts and I have to grip the sink thightly or else I might fall. I'm lost in rage so I can't control my emotions. I don't even know on what is this that I ranted about. I just know that my mouth is still going...

"-I know my place! I know what I have to do! I'm the only one who can finish the job! So for once PLEASE just shut up!" I shouted, ending my rant as I slumped down, feeling exhausted.

It was not so long then when I heard a loud knock and constant calls of my name, "Tsuna?! Tsuna! are you in there? are you okay?!"

I could recognize these voices. and so I forced myself to stood up once again to wash my face before I opened the door.

"Mizuki-san, Yamada-san... is there something I could help you with?" I asked politely.

"we heard you shouting. we thought that something might happening to you.." Yamada-san said in worry.

"-and that's why we're here to check..." Mizuki-sama added. "so... eum..."

"-don't worry, I'm fine..." I cutted him as I faked my slim smile. "I was talking over phone and my friend annoyed me with something." I lied.

"r-really?" Yamada-san asked. I nodded.

"so, you're really okay?"

I smiled, "yeah, I'm-" but not yet I finished the sentence, I feel the urge of throwing up. I don't even have time to spun around to the toilet nor sink. I just fall on my knees and do it right there.


{tsuna!} I heard their scream, but I can't focused on what did they say next. I feel awful. I don't have energy left...

and just then, before I know it, I've blacked out from the exhaustment...


#with the Twins and children...

"Amusement park?" Toshi echoed at the Shiyo's request, meanwhile the said brunette nodded frankily as Tsuki just finished wiping the sauce on her cheek.

"Papa promised to bring us there today~!" She cripped.

"he did?" Tsuki asked.

"uh-huh~ Papa told us if he didn't come by lunch then we should pick him up at aunties house!" This time, Cielo was the one to answer while Tsuki hummed.

"eh? but doesn't that mean, we need to pick him up about this time?" Toshi said realizing that they just finished their lunch.

"b-but, s-shouldn't papa, rest m-more?" Akira said and that makes all of the kids, sans Shiyo to glare at him.

"shut your trap, nuisance. no one asked for your opinion..." Natsu barked in whisper as Cielo kicked the youngest feet, making him yelp a bit.

"B-But, nii-chan... P-Papa is..." this time he got pinched by Kuro.

"Didn't Natsu-nii just tell you to stay silent, you brat?" he murmured, narrowing his eyes dangerously to the petite boy.

"H-Hai... g-gomennasai..." Akira said lowly and in pain with tears on the corner of his eyes threatening to fall.

Tsuki who saw this was about to scold them and shouted, but Toshi stopped him just before he did.

"what are you-?" but he then got shushed by his elder twin.

"say a word and you'll make things worser. so just pretend that you don't see them" Toshi said in low whisper as he proceed on drinking his juice.

Tsuki was about to explode at his not caring attitude but  then he saw how tight Toshi clenched his fits. That is when he knew that Toshi wasn't completely okay with it. he also realized that Toshi looks a bit pale and even has sweats on his forehead. It makes him wonder on what makes his half acted like that?

Meanwhile with Toshi, he's freaking out. Why you asked?

Well, it's because the scene before him just now reminds him of back then at the time where he used to bully Tsuna...

And not just that, he's also, literally having a flashback on when he did it. Soon, Tsuki also caught under the spell.

'T-These are...' Tsuki thought as he then went speechless.

The twin just un observant enough to notice the mist flame that Shiro secretly use and the assessing look at Shiyo's.

Deep within, behind those acts they did, Tsuna's personalities are enjoying their misery...

'They deserve this for what they've done to master...' they thought in sync.




Anything ???

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