Declaration: I don't own KHR! Akira Amano does!
"Foreign Language"
Flashback / dreams
~track of time~
"Tsuna speak to Henko"
"Henko speak to Tsuna"
Cielo POV
My head feels like it's splitting into two...
it's hurt and my body feels pained too...
Did I catch a cold?
Is that the reason on why I dreamt of that... nightmare?
or could that be the fragment of my past?
or maybe it was another vision of the future?
I don't know...
all that I know is I need to get up now or else I would be late for school...
and so I decided to open my eyes, blinked few times so the sunrays won't burn my eyeballs.
Once I did, I got up with so much effort.
A wet cloth fall from my head. I sighed, looks like either of Mizuki-sama or Sora-sama has found out about my fever.
I then glanced at the clock. It's 07.39. They must have gone at this hour...
Luckly for me, school won't be started 20 minutes again. I could still make it if I'm hurry.
And so I did everything as fast as I could.
I wear a mask so my coughs won't infecting any of my friends later on. I then walked my way to the school real slowly...
I'm late 5 minutes to the gate but instead of getting scold, I was told to get home for rest by Hashirama-san, my P.E.'s teacher.
I of course refused in polite way. I can still walk and I still have my mind on check, there's no need of me to get absent. I manage to ensure him, but not Henko-san...
"a sick person's only job is to lied down on his bed and get some proper rest, can't you just get that!" Henko-san lectured. "Oi Cielo! did you even hear me?!" and now he's getting angry.
I sighed, "I hear you loud and clear Henko-san. Now could you stop yelling at me so I can get some peace?" I purposely quiping him.
"I would if you just obey at my words, but you don't. not even after you got a long painful lecture from me..." He scowled, then continuing his rant.I can only sighed again as I dragged my feet to my class.
It seems forever to get there but I'm glad that manage to do it...
I opened the door and in that instant all eyes landed on me.
"Cielo-san? I though you won't be able to join us today?" Hinagi-sensei asked.
"I'm sorry, Sensei. I woke up late this morning..." I said with my hoarse voice. I can hear some whispers about my being from my classmates but I don't mind them at all.

Truth of The Future ~KHR fanfiction~
FanfictionSecond book of "Silent but Deep" They know... They've known about my past, they've seen me suffer, and now all that I want to do is run. run away from my fate... run away from myself... - - However, as much as I want to, my fate has been write...